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Local results are based primarily on relevance, distance, and prominence.

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These factors are combined to help find the best match for your search. For example, Google algorithms might decide that a business that's farther away from your location is more likely to have what you're looking for than a business that's closer, and therefore rank it higher in local results. Relevance refers to how well a local listing matches what someone is searching for. Adding complete and detailed business information can help Google better understand your business and match your listing to relevant searches.

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Just like it sounds—how far is each potential search result from the location term used in a search? Prominence refers to how well-known a business is. Some places are more prominent in the offline world, and search results try to reflect this in local ranking. For example, famous museums, landmark hotels, or well-known store brands that are familiar to many people are also likely to be prominent in local search results.

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Prominence is also based on information that Google has about a business from across the web like links, articles, and directories. Google review count and score are factored into local search ranking: more reviews and positive ratings will probably improve a business's local ranking. Your position in web results is also a factor, so SEO best practices also apply to local search optimization. There's no way to request or pay for a better local ranking on Google. We do our best to keep the details of the search algorithm confidential to make the ranking system as fair as possible for everyone.

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Edit your business information Improve your local ranking on Google. Improve your local ranking on Google Manage your business Local results appear for people who search for businesses and places near their location.

Improve your info. Enabling blocking may inadvertently block desired calls. Disable at any time. Info for some unknown numbers not available. And your call preferences are stored on our network, so when you get a new phone, your settings are there. Know who is calling before you answer. Easily manage your call preferences in your application settings. Our block list now has its own area of the app, where you can easily block or unblock callers. Plus, calls can now be blocked on our network, not just your phone—so when you get a new phone, your calls stay blocked.

You can also choose whether to receive notifications for calls that have been blocked or sent to voicemail. Robocallers, likely IRS tax scammers, and other nuisance or even dangerous calls are identified immediately, so you can decide whether to answer. Look up most phone numbers to receive contact information for people and businesses.