Find thread id background program

On the Threads tab, you'll be able to see a list of the running threads inside that process:. If your troubleshooting requires you to get more detail, it is often very helpful to load debugging symbols into Process Explorer. This is how:.

How to Start a Background Thread in Android

If you don't already have a Windows debugger installed, you're going to have to install the Debugging Tools for Windows first. In Process Explorer, open Configure Symbols If you have the Debugging Tools or another Windows debugger installed, Process Explorer will automatically find the dbghelp. Otherwise, set the correct path here.

That's the location where the debugging symbols will be cached. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. How can I view the active threads of a running program?

C# | Getting the unique identifier for the current managed thread

Ask Question. Asked 7 years, 2 months ago.

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Active 7 years, 2 months ago. Viewed 65k times. Der Hochstapler Der Hochstapler Enable Show Details for All Processes from the File menu: In the main pane, select the process you're interested in: Open the context menu right-click for the selected process and click Properties : On the Threads tab, you'll be able to see a list of the running threads inside that process: Symbols If your troubleshooting requires you to get more detail, it is often very helpful to load debugging symbols into Process Explorer.

Java Thread Example

This is how: If you don't already have a Windows debugger installed, you're going to have to install the Debugging Tools for Windows first. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. This document was published with and applies to ArcGIS 9. A 10 version also exists. Multithreading is generally used to improve the responsiveness of applications. This responsiveness can be the result of real performance improvements or the perception of improved performance.

This will prevent any long data processing operations from reducing the responsiveness of your UI.

Use the Threads window

The performance advantages of multithreading come at the cost of increased complexity in the design and maintenance of your code. Threads of an application share the same memory space, so you must make sure that accessing shared data structures is synchronized to prevent the application from entering into an invalid state or crashing. This synchronization is often called concurrency control.

Finding a balance between performance and protection requires careful consideration of your data structures and the intended usage pattern for your extra threads. It is important for all objects to be thread safe, but simply having thread-safe objects does not automatically mean that creating multithreaded applications is straightforward or that the resulting application will provide improved performance.

For that reason, writing multithreading ArcObjects applications requires an understanding of both. A general rule of thumb is that a task is suited to multithreading if it can be broken into different independent tasks. ArcObjects threading model. Consequently, an object in an STA will only receive and process one method call at a time, and every method call that it receives will arrive on the same thread.

Solution 2

This model works by eliminating cross-thread communication. All ArcObjects references within a thread should only communicate with objects in the same thread. For this model to work, the singleton objects at ArcGIS 9.

  1. Use this package as a library.
  2. This article was filed under:.
  3. View threads in the Visual Studio debugger by using the Threads window (C#, Visual Basic, C++).

As a developer of the extensible ArcGIS system, all objects, including those you write, must adhere to this rule for the Threads in Isolation model to work. If you are creating singleton objects as part of your development, you must ensure that these objects are singletons per thread, not per process. Multithreading scenarios. The ArcObjects. Running lengthy operations on a background thread.

Multi-threaded call stacks - EurekaLog 7 Documentation

Some examples of such operations include iterating through a FeatureCursor to load information into a DataTable and performing a complex topological operation while writing the result into a new FeatureClass. Implementing stand-alone ArcObjects applications. NET Framework version 2.

MTA if their apartment state has not been set before they are started. The main application thread is initialized to ApartmentState.

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  • This article was published in:.
  • MTA by default. You can no longer set the main application thread to ApartmentState. STA by setting the Thread. ApartmentState property on the first line of code. As an ArcObjects developer, this means that if your application is not initialized as a single threaded application, the.