General minutes and criminal records of the Fernandina Division, Textual Records in Atlanta : Records of the Tampa Division, including general minutes, ; dockets, ; and records relating to equity and law cases, Dockets of the Key West Division, District and Other Courts in Georgia Textual Records in Atlanta : Records of the Northern Division Atlanta , including general minute books, ; docket books, ; case files, , with indexes, ; orders relating to financial matters, ; records concerning bankruptcy, , ; records relating to equity, law, and criminal cases, , and to naturalization, ; and records of the clerk of the court, Records of the Eastern Division Athens , including general minute books, docket books, and case files, ; orders concerning financial matters, ; and records relating to equity and criminal cases, , and to naturalization, Records of the Western Division Columbus , including minute books, ; docket books, ; case files, ; records concerning equity and criminal cases, ; and records of U.
Records of the Northwestern Division Rome , including minute books, ; docket books, ; case files, 62; a bankruptcy index, ; bankruptcy dockets, ; records relating to equity and criminal cases, , and to naturalization, ; and records of U. Records of the Gainesville Division, including minute books, ; case files, ; and records concerning equity and criminal cases, Records of the Newnan Division, including minute books, ; docket books, ; and case files, Textual Records in Atlanta : Records of the Northern Division Atlanta , including minute books, ; docket books, ; case files, ; and records relating to equity cases, , and to naturalization, Records of the Eastern Division Athens , including minute books, ; docket books, ; case files, ; and records concerning equity cases, Records of the Western Division Columbus , including minute books, ; docket books, ; case files, ; and records dealing with equity and criminal cases, Records of the Northwestern Division Rome , including minute books, ; docket books, ; case files, ; and records concerning equity cases, District and Circuit Courts for the Northern District.
Textual Records in Atlanta : Minute book, Docket books, Lists of witnesses, Records concerning sequestration and garnishment cases, Textual Records in Atlanta : Records of the Eastern Division Athens , including minute books, ; general index books, ; dockets, ; case files, ; and records concerning naturalization, Records of the Southwestern Division Albany , including docket books, ; and case files, Records of the Southwestern Division Valdosta , including bankruptcy docket books, ; case files, ; and records dealing with equity cases, Records of the Western Division Columbus , including case files, , and bankruptcy docket books, Records of the Western Division Macon , including docket books, ; minutes, ; case files, ; records relating to bankruptcy, ; and records of U.
General records of the Americus Division, , and the Thomasville Division, Textual Records in Atlanta : Records of the Northeastern Division Augusta , including minute books, ; docket books, ; case files, ; and records concerning equity, law, and criminal cases, Records of the Eastern Division Savannah , including minute books, ; docket books, ; index books, ; case files, ; and records relating to bankruptcy, , and to admiralty, equity, law, and criminal cases, Records of the Southwestern Division Albany , including minute books, 25; docket books, ; case files, ; and final record books, Records of the Southwestern Division Valdosta , including minute books, ; docket books, ; case files, ; and records relating to equity and law cases, Records of the Western Division Macon , including minute books, ; docket books, ; index books, ; case files, ; records relating to civil, law, and criminal cases, ; and records of U.
Public Access Department
Case files of the following divisions: Brunswick, ; Dublin, ; Swainsboro, ; and Waycross, Textual Records in Atlanta : Records of the Northeastern Division Augusta , including minute books, ; docket books, ; and records concerning equity, law, and criminal cases, Records of the Eastern Division Savannah , including minute books, ; dockets, ; case files, ; and records concerning equity, law, and criminal cases, Records of the Southwestern Division Albany , including a minute book, ; docket books, ; and records relating to law cases, Records of the Southwestern Division Valdosta , including minute books, ; docket books, ; and records dealing with equity and law cases, Records of the Western Division Macon , including minute books, ; docket books, 12; and records relating to equity, law, and criminal cases, District and Circuit Courts for the Southern District.
Naturalization and other records of the Savannah Division, Records relating to sequestration and garnishment cases, Textual Records in San Francisco : Minutes, Judgments and decrees, 25, with indexes, Records relating to grand and petit juries, Records relating to admiralty, civil, common law and equity, habeas corpus, and criminal cases, District and Other Courts in Idaho Textual Records in Seattle : Judgment docket and book, Registers of civil and criminal actions, Textual Records in Seattle : General records, including criminal dockets, ; case files, ; records relating to bankruptcy, , and to criminal cases, ; records of U.
Commissioners, ; and miscellaneous records, Records of the Northern Division Moscow to , then Coeur d'Alene , including journals minute books , ; dockets, ; case files, ; and judgment books, Records of the Central Division Boise to , then Moscow , including journals minute books , ; criminal case files, ; and registers, Consolidated records of the Northern and Central Divisions, including journals minute books , ; dockets, ; case files, ; and judgment books, Records of the Eastern Division Pocatello, , including journals minute books , ; dockets, ; case files, ; and judgment books, Records of the Southern Division Pocatello to , then Boise , including journals minute books , ; dockets, ; case files, ; and judgment books, Textual Records in Seattle : General records, Records of the Northern Division Moscow , including journals, ; judgment books, ; and a civil register and dockets, Records of the Central Division Boise , including journals minute books , ; a judgment book, ; civil registers and dockets, ; and a civil and criminal register, Records of the Southern Division Pocatello , including a journal, ; a judgment book, ; an execution book, , with index, ; and a civil register, District and Other Courts in Illinois Textual Records in Chicago : Records of the Eastern Division Chicago , including minute books, ; dockets, ; ledgers, ; case files, ; records concerning admiralty, civil, chancery, law and equity, law, and criminal cases, ; records concerning railroad arbitration cases, ; and records relating to bankruptcy, , and to naturalization, Records of the Western Division Freeport , including dockets, ; case files, ; and records relating to bankruptcy, , and to civil and criminal cases, Bankruptcy referee minute books, docket sheets, and docket books, , from the U.
Textual Records in Chicago : Records of the Eastern Division Chicago , including dockets, ; case files, , with indexes; records relating to civil, chancery, and law and equity cases, ; and records concerning naturalization, Law and chancery record book of the Western Division Freeport , Textual Records in Chicago : Records of the nondivisional court at Danville, including minute books, ; docket books, 62; case files, ; records concerning civil, equity, law, and criminal cases, ; and records relating to bankruptcy, , and to naturalization, Records of the nondivisional court at East St.
Louis, including dockets, 62; case files, ; and records concerning civil, chancery, equity, law, and criminal cases, Textual Records in Chicago : Dockets, Records relating to chancery, law and equity, law, and criminal cases, Textual Records in Chicago : Bankruptcy docket books, Civil and criminal case files, Peoria civil and criminal case files, ; and bankruptcy docket sheets, Rock Island bankruptcy docket sheets, , and civil and criminal case files, Springfield bankruptcy docket sheets, ; criminal and civil case files, ; commissioner's transcripts, ; and naturalization records, Danville bankruptcy docket sheets, ; and civil and criminal case files, Textual Records in Chicago : Records of the Northern Division Peoria , including dockets, , with indexes; case files, ; records concerning civil, equity, and criminal cases, ; and records relating to bankruptcy, , and to naturalization, Records of the Southern Division Springfield and Quincy , including dockets, ; case files, , with indexes; records relating to civil, equity, and criminal cases, ; records relating to bankruptcy, , and to naturalization, ; and records of the clerk of the court, , and U.
Benton civil case files, East St. Louis judgment indexes, ; bankruptcy docket sheets, ; criminal case files, , ; civil case files, , ; and civil minutes, Textual Records in Chicago : Records of the Northern Division Peoria , including dockets, , with indexes; case files, , with indexes; and records relating to chancery, law and equity, and law cases, Records of the Southern Division Springfield , including dockets, , with indexes; case files, ; records relating to chancery, law and equity, and law cases, ; and records concerning naturalization, District and Other Courts in Indiana Textual Records in Chicago : Records of the Fort Wayne Division, including docket books, ; criminal records, ; case files, ; admiralty case files, ; order books, ; records concerning bankruptcy, ; and records of the clerk of the court, , and U.
Records of the Hammond Division, including docket books, ; clerk's journals, ; case files, ; records concerning equity, law, and criminal cases, ; records relating to bankruptcy, , and to naturalization, ; and records of U. Records of the South Bend Division, including docket books and sheets, ; case files, ; criminal and law order books, ; records relating to bankruptcy, ; and clerk's minute books, Case files and other records of the Lafayette Division, Textual Records in Chicago : Records of the Fort Wayne Division, , including docket books; case files; and records relating to chancery, law, and equity cases.
Case files, a civil docket book, and other records of the Hammond Division, Textual Records in Chicago : Records of the Evansville Division, including dockets, ; case files, ; records relating to bankruptcy, , and to civil, equity, and criminal cases, ; and records of the clerk of the court, Records of the Indianapolis Division, including docket books and sheets, ; case files, ; record books, ; records concerning civil, equity, law, and criminal cases, 69; records relating to bankruptcy, , and to naturalization, ; and records of the U.
Marshal, , and the clerk of the court, Records of the New Albany Division, including journals minute books , ; case files, ; bankruptcy docket books, ; commissioner's records, ; and civil depositions, Records of the Terre Haute Division, including docket books, ; case files, ; and records dealing with civil and equity cases, Textual Records in Chicago : Records of the Evansville Division, including dockets and case files, ; and records relating to law and equity cases, Records of the Indianapolis Division, including docket books, ; case files, ; and records concerning U.
Government, chancery, law and equity, and law cases, District and Other Courts in Iowa Textual Records in Kansas City : Records of the Eastern Division Dubuque , including minute books, ; dockets, ; case files, ; and records relating to bankruptcy, , and to equity, Records of the Central Division Fort Dodge , including minute books, ; dockets, ; case files, ; naturalization records, ; and records concerning equity and criminal cases, Records of the Western Division Sioux City , including minute books, , with index, ; dockets, ; case files, ; bankruptcy records, ; and records dealing with equity and criminal cases, Records of the Cedar Rapids Division, including minute books, ; dockets, ; case files, ; and records relating to bankruptcy, , and to civil, equity, and criminal cases, Naturalization records for all divisions, Bankruptcy dockets for all divisions, Textual Records in Kansas City : Records of the Eastern Division Dubuque , including dockets, ; case files, ; and records concerning equity cases, Records of the Central Division Fort Dodge , including dockets, ; case files, ; and records concerning equity and law cases, Records of the Western Division Sioux City , including dockets, ; case files, ; and records relating to equity cases, Records of the Cedar Rapids Division, including dockets, ; case files, ; and records concerning equity and law cases, Textual Records in Kansas City : Records of the Eastern Division Keokuk , including dockets, ; case files, ; journals and other records, ; records concerning chancery, equity, and criminal cases, ; and records relating to bankruptcy, , and to naturalization, Records of the Central Division Des Moines , including dockets, ; case files, ; journals, ; naturalization records, ; and records relating to bankruptcy, , and to equity cases, Case files of the Middle Division Iowa City , Records of the Southern Division Creston , including dockets, ; and case files, Case files of the Southern Division Burlington , Case files of the Western Division Council Bluffs , Case files, dockets, and other records of the Davenport Division, Records of the Ottumwa Division, including dockets, ; case files, ; journals, ; and records concerning equity cases, Dockets for all divisions, Textual Records in Kansas City : Records of the Eastern Division Keokuk , including dockets, ; case files, ; and records concerning equity cases, Records of the Central Division Des Moines , including dockets, ; case files, ; naturalization records, ; bankruptcy records, ; and records concerning equity cases, Case files and dockets of the Southern Division Creston , Case files, dockets, and other records of the Davenport Division, , and the Ottumwa Division, District and Other Courts in Kansas Case files, dockets, and other records of the Second District Tecumseh and Lecompton , Case files of the Third District Fort Scott , Textual Records in Kansas City : General records, consisting of case files, ; and naturalization petitions, Records of the First Division Topeka , including dockets, ; case files, ; records concerning civil, equity, and criminal cases, ; order books, ; and records relating to bankruptcy, , and to naturalization, Records of the Second Division Wichita , including dockets, ; case files, ; journals, ; and records relating to bankruptcy, , to equity cases, , and to naturalization, Records of the Third Division Fort Scott , including dockets, ; case files, ; journals, ; and records relating to bankruptcy, , to civil and equity cases, , and to naturalization, Criminal and civil case files of the Kansas City Division, Case files, dockets, and other records of the annual term held at Wichita to try Indian Territory criminal cases, Textual Records in Kansas City : Records of the First Division Topeka , including dockets, ; case files, ; and records concerning civil, chancery, and equity cases, Case files, dockets, and other records of the Second Division Wichita , Case files, dockets, records relating to law and equity cases, and other records of the Third Division Fort Scott , District and Other Courts in Kentucky Textual Records in Atlanta : U.
District Commissioners criminal dockets for the entire Eastern District, Records of the Ashland Catlettsburg Division, consisting of docket books, ; civil, criminal, and admiralty case records, ; and records relating to U. Commissioners, , , and to naturalization, Records of the Covington Division, consisting of docket books, ; civil and criminal case records, ; bankruptcy records, ; and records relating to U. Commissioners, , and to naturalization, Records of the Frankfort Division, consisting of docket books, with gaps ; records relating to civil, equity, and law cases, , and criminal cases, ; records concerning naturalization, ; and records concerning U.
Records of District Courts of the United States
Records of the Jackson Division, consisting of docket books, ; records relating to civil and criminal cases, ; and records concerning U. Records of the Lexington Division, consisting of docket books, ; records relating to civil and criminal cases, ; records concerning naturalization, ; bankruptcy records, ; and records dealing with U. Records of the London Division, consisting of docket books, 78; criminal cases, ; civil case files, ; bankruptcy records, ; and records relating to naturalization, , and to U. Commissioners, , Records of the Pikeville Division, consisting of docket books, ; civil and criminal cases, ; records relating to naturalization, , and to U.
Records of the Richmond Division, consisting of docket books, ; records relating to civil cases, , and to criminal cases, ; records dealing with naturalization, ; and records concerning U. Textual Records in Atlanta : Docket books of the following divisions: Ashland Catlettsburg , ; Covington, ; Jackson, ; London, ; and Richmond, Records of the Frankfort Division, consisting of docket books, ; and records relating to civil, law, equity, bankruptcy, and chancery cases including judgments and decrees , Criminal case files of the Covington Division, Textual Records in Atlanta : Records of the Bowling Green Division, consisting of docket books, ; case files, ; grand and petit jury records, ; records of U.
Marshals, , the clerk of the court, , and U. Commissioners, ; and records relating to civil, equity, law, and criminal cases, , to bankruptcy, , and to naturalization, Records of the Louisville Division, including records concerning naturalization, ; criminal cases, ; civil cases, ; bankruptcy cases, ; U. Commissioners' dockets, ; and index cards to bankruptcy cases, Records of the Owensboro term, consisting of docket books, ; case files, ; and records relating to bankruptcy, , , to civil and criminal cases, , and to U. Records of the Paducah term, consisting of docket books, ; bankruptcy books, ; and case files, Textual Records in Atlanta : Records of the Louisville term, consisting of docket books, ; case files, ; and records concerning civil and criminal cases, Records of the Paducah term, consisting of docket books, ; and case files, District and Other Courts in Louisiana Textual Records in Fort Worth : Records of the Baton Rouge Division, including minutes, ; dockets, ; naturalization records, ; case files, ; and records concerning bankruptcy, Records of the New Orleans Division, including minutes, ; dockets, ; case files, ; records relating to admiralty, equity, and criminal cases, ; records relating to bankruptcy, , and to naturalization, ; and records of the clerk of the court, , and U.
Records of the New Orleans Division, including minutes, ; dockets, ; case files, ; records concerning admiralty, equity, law, and criminal cases, ; records relating to naturalization, , and to the supervision of elections, ; and letters sent and received by the clerk of the court, Textual Records in Fort Worth : Records of the Alexandria Division, including minutes, ; a docket, ; and records concerning naturalization, Minutes of the Lake Charles Division, Records of the Monroe Division, including minutes, ; dockets, ; and admiralty case files, Records of the Opelousas Division, including minutes, ; a criminal docket, ; case files, ; records concerning equity, law, and criminal cases, ; and records relating to bankruptcy, , and to naturalization, Records of the Shreveport Division, including minutes, ; dockets, ; case files, ; records concerning civil, equity, law, and criminal cases, ; records relating to bankruptcy, , and to naturalization, ; and records of the clerk of the court, , and U.
Offender Information Search
Textual Records in Fort Worth : Records of the Alexandria Division, including minutes, ; and records relating to criminal cases, Records of the Opelousas Division, including minutes, ; and dockets, Records of the Shreveport Division, including minutes, ; dockets, ; criminal case files, ; and records relating to law, equity, and criminal cases, Textual Records in Fort Worth : Docket, Records relating to sequestration, Textual Records in Fort Worth : Minutes, Docket, Records concerning land condemnation, District and Other Courts in Maine Textual Records in Boston : General records, consisting of dockets, , with indexes, ; case files, ; records relating to bankruptcy, , and to naturalization, ; and records of the clerk of the court, Case files, dockets, and other records of the Northern Division Bangor , Records of the Southern Division Portland , including minute books, ; dockets, ; case files, , with name index, ; final record books, ; and records concerning naturalization, Textual Records in Boston : Dockets, District and Other Courts in Maryland Textual Records in Philadelphia : Records of the Baltimore Division, including minutes, ; dockets, , with indexes; case files, ; records relating to bankruptcy, and ; records concerning admiralty, equity, and criminal cases, and ; records relating to naturalization, ; and records of the clerk of the court, , and U.
Records of the Cumberland Division, including dockets, ; case files, ; records of cash disbursements and cash receipts, ; and records dealing with bankruptcy, Textual Records in Philadelphia : Records of the Baltimore Division, including minutes, ; dockets, , with indexes; case files, ; records relating to naturalization, ; and records of the clerk of the court, Records of the Cumberland Division, consisting of a law civil docket, ; law civil case files, ; a cash book of the clerk of the court, ; and a record of criminal proceedings conducted before U.
Commissioner Robert R. Henderson, District and Other Courts in Massachusetts Final record books, , with indexes, Records relating to bankruptcy, ; to admiralty, equity, and criminal cases, ; to naturalization, ; to customs and internal revenue, ; and to seamen, Records relating to equity and criminal cases, District and Other Courts in Michigan Textual Records in Chicago : Records of the Northern Division Bay City , including minute books, ; docket books, ; case files, ; bankruptcy records, ; and records concerning civil cases, Records of the Northern Division Flint , including docket books, ; civil and criminal case files, ; equity case files, ; and records relating to equity, Records of the Southern Division Detroit , including docket books, ; ledger and cash books, ; case files, ; records concerning admiralty, civil, equity, law, and criminal cases, ; and records relating to bankruptcy, , and to naturalization, Records of the Southern Division Detroit , including journals, ; docket books, ; case files, ; and records relating to civil, chancery, equity, and law cases, , and to naturalization, Textual Records in Chicago : Records of the Northern Division Marquette , including docket books, ; case files, ; records concerning admiralty, civil, equity, law, and criminal cases, ; records relating to bankruptcy, , and to naturalization, ; and records of U.
Records of the Southern Division Grand Rapids , including journals, ; docket books, ; case files, ; records concerning admiralty, civil, equity, law, and criminal cases, ; records relating to bankruptcy, , and to naturalization, ; and records of U. Records of the U. Textual Records in Chicago : Records of the Northern Division Marquette , , including docket books; case files; and records relating to civil, equity, and law cases. Records of the Southern Division Grand Rapids , including case files, ; and records concerning civil, chancery, equity, and law cases, District and Other Courts in Minnesota Textual Records in Kansas City, except as noted : Records of the First Division Winona , including minute books, ; dockets, ; case files, ; and records relating to equity cases, , and to naturalization, Records of the Second Division Mankato , including minute books, ; dockets, ; case files, ; and records relating to equity and criminal cases, , and to naturalization, Records of the Third Division St.
Paul , including minute books, ; dockets, ; bankruptcy dockets, in Chicago ; case files, ; civil and criminal case files, in Chicago ; records concerning civil, chancery, equity, and criminal cases, ; and records relating to naturalization, and in Chicago Records of the Fourth Division Minneapolis , including minute books, ; dockets, in Chicago ; case files, ; civil and criminal case files, in Chicago ; records concerning civil, equity, and criminal cases, ; criminal case files, in Chicago ; records relating to naturalization, ; and records of the grand jury, , and U.
Records of the Fifth Division Duluth , including minute books, in Chicago and ; dockets including bankruptcy dockets , in Chicago ; bankruptcy dockets, ; case files, in Chicago ; records concerning admiralty, civil, and equity cases, ; records relating to naturalization, in Chicago ; records of the clerk of the court, and in Chicago ; and records of U. Commissioners, in Chicago.
Records of the Sixth Division Fergus Falls , including minute books, ; dockets, ; case files, ; records concerning bankruptcy, ; records relating to civil, chancery, equity, and criminal cases, ; and records relating to naturalization, and in Chicago Textual Records in Kansas City, except as noted : Records of the First Division Winona , including minute books, dockets, and case files, ; records relating to chancery cases, ; and records concerning naturalization, , Records of the Second Division Mankato , including minute books, dockets, and civil case files, ; records relating to chancery cases, ; and records concerning naturalization, Paul , including minutes, dockets, and case files, ; records relating to admiralty, chancery, law, and criminal cases, ; records concerning naturalization, ; and records of the grand jury, Records of the Fourth Division Minneapolis , including minute books, dockets, and case files, ; records relating to chancery and criminal cases, ; and records concerning naturalization, Records of the Fifth Division Duluth , including minute books, in Chicago and ; civil docket books, in Chicago ; case files, ; records concerning civil cases, in Chicago ; records dealing with chancery cases, and in Chicago ; records concerning naturalization, in Chicago ; and records of the clerk of the court, Records of the Sixth Division Fergus Falls , including minute books, dockets, and case files, ; records relating to chancery cases, , and to naturalization, ; and records of the clerk of the court, District and Other Courts in Mississippi Textual Records in Atlanta : Records of the Eastern Division Aberdeen , including dockets, , with indexes, ; naturalization dockets, ; case files, ; records relating to civil, equity, and criminal cases, , and to bankruptcy, ; and records of the clerk of the court, Records of the Delta Division Clarksdale , including dockets, , with indexes, ; naturalization dockets, ; case files, ; records relating to civil and criminal cases, , and to bankruptcy, ; and records of the clerk of the court, Records of the Western Division Oxford , including dockets and minute books, ; case files, ; records relating to equity, law, and criminal cases, , and to bankruptcy, ; and records of the former circuit court relating to civil, criminal, equity, and law cases, Civil and criminal case files of the Greenville Division, District Court volume, ; execution docket, February in a U.
District Court volume, ; and bar docket, August in a U. District Court volume, Textual Records in Atlanta : Records of the Eastern Division Meridian , including general minutes, ; dockets, ; case files, ; and records relating to civil, equity, and criminal cases, , and to bankruptcy, Records of the Southern Division Biloxi , including dockets, ; case files, ; and records relating to civil, equity, law, and criminal cases, , to bankruptcy, , and to naturalization, Records of the Western Division Vicksburg , including dockets, ; case files, ; records relating to equity cases, , and to bankruptcy, ; and records of the clerk of the court, Case files of the Hattiesburg Division, Records of the Jackson Division Natchez prior to , including dockets, ; case files, ; records relating to admiralty, bankruptcy, civil action, criminal, equity, and law cases, , and to bankruptcy, ; and records of the former circuit court, District and Other Courts in Missouri Textual Records in Kansas City : Records of the Northern Division Hannibal , including dockets, ; case files, ; and records relating to equity and criminal cases, , to bankruptcy, , and to naturalization, Records of the Eastern Division St.
Louis , including dockets, ; case files, ; records relating to admiralty, civil, equity, law, and criminal cases, , to internal revenue cases, , and to Chinese exclusion cases, ; records relating to bankruptcy, , and to naturalization, ; and records of the clerk of the court, Records of the Southeastern Division Cape Girardeau , including dockets, ; case files, ; and records relating to civil, equity, equity and law, and criminal cases, , and to bankruptcy, Textual Records in Kansas City : Records of the Northern Division Hannibal , including dockets, ; case files, ; and records concerning equity, equity and law, and law cases, Louis , including dockets, ; case files, ; and records relating to equity, equity and law, law, and criminal cases, , and to naturalization, Records of the Southeastern Division Cape Girardeau , including dockets, 11; case files, ; and records concerning equity, equity and law, and law cases, Joseph , including dockets, ; case files, ; records concerning law and equity cases, and civil and criminal cases, ; and records relating to bankruptcy, , and to naturalization, Records of the Central Division Jefferson City , including dockets, ; case files, ; naturalization records, ; and records relating to civil, equity, law, and criminal cases, , and to bankruptcy, Records of the Southern Division Springfield , including dockets, ; case files, ; and records relating to civil, equity, and criminal cases, , and to bankruptcy, Case files, naturalization records, and dockets of the Southwestern Division Joplin , Records of the Western Division Kansas City , including court control documents, ; dockets, ; case files, ; records concerning civil, equity, and criminal cases, ; and records relating to bankruptcy, , and to naturalization, Records of the Chillicothe Division, including dockets, ; and case files, Circuit Court for the District of Missouri, Case files and dockets of the Northern Division St.
Joseph , Records of the Central Division Jefferson City , , including dockets, case files, and records relating to equity and law cases. Records of the Southern Division Springfield , including dockets, ; case files, ; and records concerning equity, law, and civil and criminal cases, Law case files, including dockets, of the Southwestern Division Joplin , Records of the Western Division Kansas City , including dockets, ; case files, ; and records relating to equity and law cases, , and to naturalization, Records of the Chillicothe Division relating to naturalization, District and Other Courts in Montana Textual Records in Seattle : Case files, Miscellaneous records, Textual Records in Seattle : Records of the Billings Division, including civil case files, ; and criminal case files, Records of the Butte Division, including minute books, ; dockets, ; case files, ; records relating to equity, law, and criminal cases, ; records concerning bankruptcy, ; and records dealing with naturalization, Records of the Great Falls Division, including minute books, ; dockets, ; case files, ; and records relating to naturalization, Records of the Helena Division, including minute books, ; dockets, ; case files, ; records relating to civil, equity, law, and criminal cases, ; and records concerning naturalization, Textual Records in Seattle : Records of the Butte Division, including minute books, ; dockets, ; case files, ; and records relating to equity, law, and criminal cases, Records of the Helena Division, including minute books, ; dockets, ; case files, ; records relating to equity, law, and criminal cases, ; records relating to naturalization, ; and records of combined jurisdictions, District and Other Courts in Nebraska Case files, criminal dockets, and other records of the First District Omaha , Case files and other records of the Third District Dakota City , Textual Records in Kansas City : Records of the Chadron Division, including journals minute books , ; a docket, ; case files, ; and records concerning civil and equity cases, Records of the Grand Island Division, including journals minute books , ; case files, ; and records relating to equity cases, Records of the Hastings Division, including journals minute books , ; a docket, ; case files, ; and records dealing with equity and law cases, Records of the Lincoln Division, including journals minute books , ; dockets, ; case files, ; naturalization records, ; and records relating to civil, equity, law, and criminal cases, , and to bankruptcy, Records of the McCook Division, including journals, ; dockets, ; case files, ; and records concerning civil, equity, and law cases, Records of the Norfolk Division, including journals, ; a docket, ; case files, 55; and records relating to equity, law, and criminal cases, , and to bankruptcy, Records of the North Platte Division, including journals, ; dockets, ; case files, ; and records relating to equity and law cases, Records of the Omaha Division, including journals, ; dockets, ; case files, ; naturalization records, ; records relating to civil, equity, law, and criminal cases, , and to bankruptcy, ; and records of the clerk of the court, Bound court control records for all divisions, Textual Records in Kansas City : Records of the Lincoln Division, including journals, ; a docket, ; case files, ; and records concerning equity and law cases, Records of the Omaha Division, including journals, ; dockets, ; case files, ; and records dealing with equity and law cases, General records, including case files, of the following divisions: Chadron, 11; Grand Island, ; Hastings, ; McCook, ; Norfolk, ; and North Platte, District and Other Courts in Nevada Case files and other records of the Reno Division, in San Francisco.
District and Other Courts in New Hampshire Textual Records in Boston : Journals minute books , Miscellaneous records filed with the court, District and Other Courts in New Jersey Textual Records in New York : Microfilm copy of minutes, 58 rolls ; dockets, 30 rolls ; and bankruptcy case files, 90 rolls. Transcripts of testimony in admiralty, bankruptcy, equity, law, criminal, and miscellaneous cases, Textual Records in New York : Microfilm copy of minutes, 4 rolls ; and dockets, 4 rolls. Records relating to equity and law cases, District and Other Courts in New Mexico Textual Records in Denver : Records of the First District Santa Fe , including dockets, ; case files, ; record books, ; and records relating to naturalization, Case files, dockets, and record books of the Second District Fernandez de Taos and Albuquerque , Case files, dockets, record books, and other records of the Third District Albuquerque and Las Cruces , Records of the Fourth District Las Vegas , including case files and dockets, ; record books, ; and records relating to naturalization, Case files, dockets, record books, and other records of the Fifth District Roswell , Case files, dockets, record books, and other records of the Sixth District Alamogordo , Case files, dockets, record books, and other records of the Seventh District Socorro , Textual Records in Denver : Dockets, Record books, Records relating to civil and equity cases, District and Other Courts in New York Textual Records in New York : Minutes, Bankruptcy dockets, Records relating to civil and miscellaneous cases, Records concerning equity and law cases, Records relating to admiralty, civil, equity, law, and criminal cases, ; to bankruptcy, ; and to naturalization, Records concerning admiralty, law, and criminal cases, Judges' opinions, Records relating to bankruptcy, ; to admiralty, equity, and law cases, ; and to naturalization, Subpoenas, complaints, and search warrants, Bonds, Records relating to equity, law, and criminal cases, ; to customs and internal revenue, ; and to naturalization, Textual Records in New York : Case files, Records relating to civil, equity, and law cases, ; and to bankruptcy, District and Other Courts in North Carolina Textual Records in Atlanta : Records of the Durham Division, including minute books, ; docket books, ; and case files, Records of the Elizabeth City Division prior to , Albemarle District, with seat in Edenton , including minute books, ; dockets, ; case files, ; and records concerning naturalization, Records of the Fayetteville Division, including a minute book, ; commissioners' dockets, ; and case files, Records of the New Bern Division prior to , Pamlico District , including minute books, ; dockets, ; case files, ; and records concerning admiralty, equity, and criminal cases, Records of the Raleigh Division, including minute books, ; docket books, ; case files, ; general order books, ; and records relating to equity and criminal cases, , and to naturalization, Records of the Washington Division, including minute books, ; docket books, ; admiralty records, ; and case files, Records of the Wilmington Division prior to , Cape Fear District , including minute books, ; dockets, ; case files, ; admiralty case files, ; and records relating to equity and criminal cases, , and to bankruptcy, Records of the Wilson Division, including minute books, ; docket books, ; case files, ; and records dealing with equity and criminal cases, Textual Records in Atlanta : Records of the Elizabeth City Division, including minute books, ; dockets, ; and case files, Case files, a law docket, and other records of the New Bern Division, Records of the Raleigh Division, including minute books, ; docket books, ; and case files, Records of the Greensboro Division, including minute books, ; docket books, ; and case files, Records of the Rockingham Division, including minute books, ; docket books, ; and case files, Records of the Salisbury Division, including minute books, 54; docket books, ; and case files, Records of the Wilkesboro Division, including minute books, ; docket books, ; and case files, Records of the Winston- Salem Division, including minute books, ; docket books, ; and case files, Civil and criminal case files for all divisions in the Middle District, Textual Records in Atlanta : Records of the Asheville Division, including minute books, ; docket books, ; case files, ; transfers of probation jurisdiction, ; and records relating to civil, equity, law, and criminal cases, , and to naturalization, Criminal case files, docket books, and other records of the Bryson City Division, Records of the Charlotte Division, including minute books, ; docket books, ; case files, ; and records concerning criminal cases, and Records of the Greensboro Division, including minute books, ; docket books, ; case files, ; and records dealing with criminal cases, Case files, docket books, and other records of the Shelby Division, Records of the Statesville Division, including minute books, ; docket books, ; case files, ; and records concerning criminal cases, Records of the Wilkesboro Division, consisting of minute books, , and docket books, Textual Records in Atlanta : Records of the Asheville Division, including minute books, ; dockets, ; case files, ; and records relating to equity and law cases, , and to naturalization, Case files, dockets, and other records of the Charlotte Division, Records of the Greensboro Division, including minute books, ; dockets, ; and case files, Records of the Statesville Division, including minute books, ; docket books, ; and case files, Textual Records in Atlanta : Records of the Cape Fear Division with seat in Wilmington; after February , Salisbury , including general minute books, ; a docket, ; case files, ; and records concerning garnishment and sequestration cases, Records of the Pamlico Division with seat in New Bern; after early , Goldsboro , including general minute books, ; dockets, ; and records relating to garnishment and sequestration cases, District and Other Courts in North Dakota Case files and other records of the Third District Fargo and Bismarck , Case files and other records of the Sixth District Bismarck , Criminal case files and other records of the Eighth District Grand Forks , Related Records: See South Dakota under Textual Records in Kansas City : General records, consisting of dockets, , with indexes, ; case files, ; and records concerning civil, law, bankruptcy, equity, and criminal cases, Records of the Southeastern Division Fargo , including dockets, ; journals, ; law case files, ; records concerning criminal, civil, and equity and law cases, ; and records relating to bankruptcy, , and to naturalization, Records of the Northwestern Division Devil's Lake , including general records, ; records relating to bankruptcy, ; and law records, Law case files, dockets, and other records of the following divisions: Northeastern Grand Forks , ; Central Jamestown , ; Southwestern Bismarck , ; and Western Minot , Attorney admission records for all divisions, Textual Records in Kansas City : Records of the Southeastern Division Fargo , , including dockets, case files, equity and law records, and civil and criminal records.
Records of the Southwestern Division Bismarck , including dockets, ; case files, ; records relating to naturalization, ; and civil and criminal records, Law case files of the Western Division Minot , District and Other Courts in Ohio Textual Records in Chicago : Records of the Eastern Division Cleveland , including journals, ; case files, ; records concerning admiralty, equity, law, and criminal cases, ; and records relating to bankruptcy, , and to naturalization, Case files and other records of the Western Division Toledo , Textual Records in Chicago : Records of the Eastern Division Cleveland , including journals, ; law and equity case files, ; and records relating to chancery, law, and criminal cases, , and to bankruptcy, Records of the Western Division Toledo , including U.
Commissioners' dockets, ; case files, ; and records concerning chancery and law cases, Textual Records in Chicago : Records of the Eastern Division Columbus , including docket books, ; case files, ; records concerning admiralty, equity, law, and criminal cases, ; and records relating to bankruptcy, , and to naturalization, Records of the Western Division Cincinnati , including dockets, ; case files, ; order books, ; records concerning admiralty, civil, chancery, equity, law, and criminal cases, ; records relating to bankruptcy, , and to naturalization, ; and records of the clerk of the court, , and U.
Records of Western Division cases tried before the nondivisional court at Dayton, including case files, ; and records relating to bankruptcy, , and to naturalization, Textual Records in Chicago : Records of the Eastern Division Columbus , including docket books, ; case files, ; and records concerning chancery and law cases, Records of the Western Division Cincinnati , including dockets, , with indexes; journals order books , ; case files, , with indexes; and records relating to admiralty, chancery, law, and criminal cases, , and to naturalization, Textual Records in Fort Worth : Records of the Northern District Muskogee , including minute books, ; dockets, ; case files, ; incorporation records, ; records relating to equity, law, and criminal cases, ; and records relating to naturalization, , and to probate matters, Records of the Central District South McAlester Division , including "common law" record books, , with index; dockets, ; case files, ; records relating to law, equity, and criminal cases, ; and records relating to bankruptcy, , and to naturalization, Records of the Central District Wilburton Division , including a minute book, ; dockets, ; and records relating to law, equity, and criminal cases, Records of the Southern District Ardmore , including journals, ; dockets, ; law and equity case files, ; records relating to law, equity, and criminal cases, ; records relating to naturalization, , and to probate matters, ; and records of U.
Textual Records in Fort Worth : Dockets, Records concerning bankruptcy, Records relating to civil, law, equity, and criminal cases, Records concerning law, equity, and criminal cases, Records concerning bankruptcy, and Bates et al.
- See detailed finding aids for holdings in:.
- Records of District Courts of the United States | National Archives?
See also Records concerning equity and criminal cases, District and Other Courts in Oregon Textual Records in Seattle : Correspondence, Dockets, , with indexes. Journals, , with indexes, Records relating to civil and criminal cases, , and to naturalization, Journals, District and Other Courts in Pennsylvania Case files, , Civil REM cases, Prize case files, , Indexes for admiralty, equity, and law cases, Civil case indexes, Records relating to forfeitures in customs, internal revenue, prize, and other cases, ; to criminal cases, and ; to screened criminal cases, ; to bankruptcy, and ;and to naturalization, Praecipes, Writs, Records concerning criminal cases, Lubin , Textual Records in Philadelphia : Minute books, Records relating to civil, equity, and criminal cases, , Textual Records in Philadelphia : Records of the Pittsburgh Division, including minutes, and ; dockets, ; praecipes and writs, ; case files, ; bankruptcy indexes, , ; bankruptcy docket books, ; admiralty case files, ; and records relating to civil and law cases, , and to naturalization, Records of the Erie Division, including minutes, ; dockets, , and ; case files, ; records relating to naturalization, ; and records of U.
Textual Records in Philadelphia : Records of the Pittsburgh Division, including minutes, ; dockets, ; case files, ; and records concerning naturalization, Minutes, dockets, and other records of the Erie Division, Textual Records in New York : Criminal docket, Indexes to criminal cases, n.
Textual Records in New York : Dockets, Textual Records in Atlanta : Criminal case files, ; law and equity cases, ; and minute books, District and Other Courts in Rhode Island Final record books, , with index, Records relating to bankruptcy, and , and to naturalization including name indexes, Final record books, , with name indexes, District and Other Courts in South Carolina Final records of the State Court of Admiralty, Order books, Records relating to admiralty, equity, law, and criminal cases, ; to bankruptcy, ; and to naturalization, Civil, criminal, and naturalization indexes, Records relating to the sequestration of enemy property, Records relating to equity, law, and criminal cases, , and to naturalization, Records relating to criminal cases, Bankruptcy, civil, criminal, and naturalization minutes, dockets, and indexes, District Courts for the Eastern and Western Districts.
Textual Records in Atlanta : Dockets, Decisions, Bankruptcy index and civil and criminal indexes, Records relating to criminal cases, , District and Other Courts in South Dakota Case files and other records of the First District Vermillion , Records of the Second District Yankton including dockets, ; case files, ; journals, ; bankruptcy minutes, ; and records of the clerk of the court, Journal of the Fifth District Huron , Related Records: See North Dakota under Textual Records in Kansas City : General records, , including final record books, Rights of employees and applicants: May not be required to disclose any information in a sealed record; may answer questions about arrests or convictions as though they had not occurred.
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Rules for employers: State policy encourages hiring qualified applicants with criminal records. If an employment application form contains any question concerning criminal history, it must include a notice in clear and conspicuous language that 1 the applicant is not required to disclose the existence of any arrest, criminal charge, or conviction, the records of which have been erased; 2 defining what criminal records are subject to erasure; and 3 any person whose criminal records have been erased will be treated as if never arrested and my swear so under oath.
Employer may not disclose information about a job applicant's criminal history except to members of the personnel department or, if there is no personnel department, person s in charge of hiring or conducting the interview. Rights of employees and applicants: May not be asked to disclose information about a criminal record that has been erased; may answer any question as though arrest or conviction never took place. May not be discriminated against in hiring or continued employment on the basis of an erased criminal record. If conviction of a crime has been used as a basis to reject an applicant, the rejection must be in writing and specifically state the evidence presented and the reason for rejection.
Rights of employees and applicants: Do not have to disclose an arrest or conviction record that has been expunged.
Arrest Disposition Submission — FBI
Rights of employees and applicants: May not be disqualified to practice or pursue any occupation or profession that requires a license, permit, or certificate because of a prior conviction, unless it was for a felony or first-degree misdemeanor and is directly related to the specific line of work. Rules for employers: In order to obtain a criminal record from the state Crime Information Center, employer must supply the individual's fingerprints or signed consent. If an adverse employment decision is made on the basis of the record, must disclose all information in the record to the employee or applicant and tell how it affected the decision.
Rights of employees and applicants: Probation for a first offense is not a conviction; may not be disqualified for employment once probation is completed. Rights of employees and applicants: If an arrest or conviction has been expunged, may state that no record exists and may respond to questions as a person with no record would respond.
Rules for employers: It is a civil rights violation to ask about an arrest or criminal history record that has been expunged or sealed, or to use the fact of an arrest or criminal history record as a basis for refusing to hire or to renew employment. Law does not prohibit employer from using other means to find out if person actually engaged in conduct for which they were arrested.
Rules for employers: Cannot require an employee to inspect or challenge a criminal record in order to obtain a copy of the record, but may require an applicant to sign a release to allow employer to obtain record to determine fitness for employment. Employers can require access to criminal records for specific businesses. Rights of employees and applicants: Prior conviction cannot be used as a sole basis to deny employment or an occupational or professional license, unless conviction is for a felony and directly relates to the job or license being sought.
Special situations: Protection does not apply to medical, engineering and architecture, or funeral and embalming licenses, among others listed in the statute. Rights of employees and applicants: A conviction is not an automatic bar to obtaining an occupational or professional license.
Only convictions that directly relate to the profession or occupation, that include dishonesty or false statements, that are subject to imprisonment for more than 1 year, or that involve sexual misconduct on the part of a licensee may be considered. Agency guidelines for preemployment inquiries: The Maine Human Rights Commission, "Pre-employment Inquiry Guide" , suggests that asking about arrests is an improper race-based question, but that it is okay to ask about a conviction if related to the job.
Rules for employers: May not inquire about any criminal charges that have been expunged. May not use a refusal to disclose information as sole basis for not hiring an applicant.

Rights of employees and applicants: Need not refer to or give any information about an expunged charge. A professional or occupational license may not be refused or revoked simply because of a conviction; agency must consider the nature of the crime and its relation to the occupation or profession; the conviction's relevance to the applicant's fitness and qualifications; when conviction occurred and other convictions, if any; and the applicant's behavior before and after conviction.
Laws ch. Code tit. Rules for employers: If job application has a question about prior arrests or convictions, it must include a formulated statement that appears in the statute that states that an applicant with a sealed record is entitled to answer, "No record. Rights of employees and applicants: If criminal record is sealed, may answer, "No record" to any inquiry about past arrests or convictions.
Rules for employers: May not request information on any arrests or misdemeanor charges that did not result in conviction. Rights of employees and applicants: Employees or applicants are not making a false statement if they fail to disclose information they have a civil right to withhold. Rules for employers: State policy encourages the rehabilitation of criminal offenders; employment opportunity is considered essential to rehabilitation.
Rights of employees and applicants: No one can be disqualified from pursuing or practicing an occupation that requires a license, unless the crime directly relates to the occupation.
Agency may consider the nature and seriousness of the crime and its relation to the applicant's fitness for the occupation. Even if the crime does relate to the occupation, a person who provides evidence of rehabilitation and present fitness cannot be disqualified. Rules for employers: After one year from date of arrest, may not obtain access to information regarding arrests if no charges are completed or pending. Rules for employers: May obtain a prospective employee's criminal history record only if it includes convictions or a pending charge, including parole or probation.
Special situations: State Gaming Board may inquire into sealed records to see if conviction relates to gaming. Rules for employers: May ask about a previous criminal record only if question substantially follows this wording, "Have you ever been arrested for or convicted of a crime that has not been annulled by a court?