Find pc name with ip address

I have the IP address of terminal.


How will I find the computer name? Kindly advice! Best answer. Mahen Updated on Dec 4, at AM. Say "Thank you" A few words of thanks would be greatly appreciated. Add comment users have said thank you to us this month. View all 16 comments. How can I write tht script? Ajit - Jun 14, at AM. Thanks I got perfect command by u to find computer name through cmd.

ManAt - Jun 9, at AM. Aruljothi - Sep 6, at PM.


Report Respond to Ramki. Ramki - Jan 14, at AM. Respond to Mahen.

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View all 34 comments. Shashi - Nov 21, at AM. If your computers are numbered like the ones I had, find the IP of your machine.

Reverse DNS Lookup

So if you are machine 26 and your ip ends with 60, you can make the calculations if you know whos sitting at what computer. So to shut down the guy at 20, subtract your machine from his machine which gives you a difference of 6. Subtract 6 from the last number in your ip and if they set it up right, his ip is exactly the same except the last number, which would hopefully be You know what I mean?

Of course, you could reference the PC by name once you're in the domain. Of course, we just don't give people those kinds of permissions on Lab machines. Which we name statically on our secure domain and to which we apply liberal amounts of DHCP because it's efficient Or, if your admins are as retarded as mine are, it's Building number, should be the same for all computers in the building - Room number -1 computer number Needless to say, their servers were "Randomly" shutting down for the last week of school.

Open command prompt and there you type in "ipconfig".

Finding computer name using IP

And there you have it ;. Suresh - Oct 1, at PM. This reply was really Helpful Please send some more commands on some similar scenarios to my ID.. Your's Sur Is there a way to limit the information returned? Or do I have to filter the output myself?

How to Find a Hostname for an IP Address

This is a clear and helpful article, thanks. Your email address will not be published. Leave this field empty. Skip to content nslookup is a network administration command-line tool available for many computer operating systems. Nslookup can be use in interactive and non-interactive mode.

How to Fix: Computer Name Won't Resolve on Network (April Update) |

To use in interactive mode type nslookup at the command line and hit return. You should get an nslookup command prompt.

Note that the address will change periodically unless you've chosen to use a static IP rare for end-users :. Note that if you're on a home or small local network, your address will probably be in the form These are reserved addresses used on each local network, and a router on that network then connects you to the internet [sources: Modi , Price , Rusen ].

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What is deep linking? Prev NEXT. That sounds like a simple task, and it would be, except for the following points: There are billions of IP addresses currently in use, and most machines have a human-readable name as well.

DNS servers cumulatively are processing billions of requests across the internet at any given time. Millions of people are adding and changing domain names and IP addresses each day. Each number in an IPV4 number is called an "octet" because it's a base equivalent of an 8-digit base-2 binary number used in routing network traffic. For example, the octet written as 42 stands for