Find peoples personal websites by intrests

These days most personal Web sites are not coded by the writer of the website. They can often times add code if they want to, but they don't need to. Most free hosting services have easy to use Web page builders with them. Since Internet service, and computers, are faster you can add more graphics and photos to your site too.

There are tons of reasons someone would want to create a personal website of their own.

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One of the most popular reasons to write a personal website is simply to write about oneself. People like to talk about themselves, they also like to write about themselves and tell other people who they are. Another popular reason people write personal websites is to show off their family. They may include lots and lots of photos of their kids all over the site. Sometimes they create a separate page for each of their family members. Online diaries have been popular ever since the beginning of the Web. This is where people create a website just so they can write about themselves in a more personal way than a standard personal website.

They may post entries each day, weekly or monthly about what's going on in their lives. Then they let other people comment on their entries. There are also wedding sites, memorial sites, sites about people's pets, and websites about people's interests and hobbies. Maybe you really like the show "Survivor", you could create a website about it and tell people why you like it. Maybe you like the Mets, you could keep a website that keeps track of their games and their standings.

A personal website is a place where you can relieve your soul. Create web pages about anything you like and get it all out there for everyone to see. This signaling works both ways—if you start a blog and it has few posts all dated from a while ago, then you send a negative signal. If you decide to get started with a blog, you can use free sites like WordPress, Blogger, or Typepad to create an account and start blogging. Alltop, Digg, and Delicious are examples of sites that list highly trafficked articles, many of which are from top blogs. You can see the range of blogs out there, as well as formats, writing styles, and use of audio and video by visiting these article aggregator sites.

You might be going to a new restaurant, so you look it up online to see the menu, photos of the dining area, or special promotions or coupons. Likewise, an individual might consider creating a personal website to share information about him or her. You might have samples of your work. This is especially common, in fact, expected, for creative professionals in editorial, art, design, photo, and, of course, digital jobs. You might have a blog as part of your website to cover a specific industry, function, or other expertise.

In this way, you showcase yourself much like an organization shares its information and selling points. If a prospective employer wants to learn more about you and searches for you online, they may find your website. To start a website, you need to register a domain name The name of your website.

GoDaddy and Register are two popular registration sites. Most registration sites offer website hosting for free think of your host as where your website resides on the Internet in exchange for posting advertisements on your site.

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You can also pay a monthly hosting charge and get additional storage space for additional pages, no advertising on your site, and other extras. Interact with other blogs and websites so you can share your ideas and expertise without having to maintain your stand-alone site. Staying on top of other blogs and websites also shows commitment and follow-through because doing so takes time and attention. This interaction also is a form of online networking, and can be seen as a form of social networking, in addition to your activity on LinkedIn, Facebook, and other social media sites.

If you are trying to connect with someone you do not know, following their blog or website is a way to get to know them, as well as demonstrate your commitment and interest. To stay on top of relevant blogs, remember the article aggregators, such as Alltop, Digg, and Delicious, that showcase the top-read news stories and articles and frequently the most-visited blogs.

Quora and Squidoo are two examples of websites that are specifically set up for people to showcase their expertise. Quora consists of questions and answers where anyone can contribute. By answering questions about a specific topic, you showcase your expertise in the topic. Squidoo consists of blogs on different topics, called lenses. You set up a lens on your specific area of interest and populate it.

This is very similar to starting your own blog, but your blog or lens is part of a large collective group, rather than a separate individual blog. Twitter is a microblog because you post very short items— characters or fewer. It is impossible to showcase deep knowledge in characters. However, you can link to other articles or your own blog or website and, in this way, demonstrate that you are current on the trends and news of your area of expertise.

The fact that you are using a fast-moving, leading-edge technology tool such as Twitter signals to prospective employers that you are on the leading edge yourself. This is critical for digital-related jobs but also in general for marketing, communications, creative, technology, and other fields where being an early adopter is valued. Some organizations post jobs on Twitter. Similar to the Groups function in social media sites that aggregate job seekers, Twitter accounts set up for job seekers link to career advice and job leads.

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As with blogs and websites, if you are trying to connect with someone you do not know, following them on Twitter is a way to get to know them, as well as demonstrate your commitment and interest. The almost real-time nature of Twitter updates also means you can get a jump on the latest job postings. On the other side of the equation, however, the organization that needs to hire has its own process. Social media is helpful to the employer and therefore to you at each step the employer takes:. Initially, the employer must recognize there is a need. This occurs before the search can begin, and this is where the hidden job market The market of unadvertised jobs, or jobs that get filled before they are ever posted or shared with the public.

If you are following organizations online and watching for breaking news, new employee arrivals, and employee departures, then you might also see a potential need. You might be able to tap the hidden job before it becomes public.

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Many job seekers are desperately trying to use social networking tools to search for jobs, which is a great idea. However, they are using the tools all wrong. Are there any openings for me? Recruiters also actively try to find candidates, and many recruiters use social media sites because they are readily searchable to find suitable matches. Regina Angeles is CEO of Talent, an executive search firm that provides multicultural recruiting solutions for online and traditional media companies:.

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Candidates should invest time in building a robust online profile, especially on LinkedIn. Third-party and corporate recruiters continue to rely on LinkedIn as a sourcing and referencing tool. Make sure your profile contains keywords that will make you searchable. Most recruiters also have an existing candidate database that they tap when news of an opening breaks. This also means, of course, that recruiters can find negative information about you.

Do an Internet search on yourself before you start your job search.

20 of the Best Personal Websites for Design Inspiration

Look at what employers will see. You might have hastily written an angry comment or shared something overly personal. Even if the content is appropriate, you might have hastily typed something with mistakes and spelling errors, and it looks sloppy. We cover online profile repairs in the next section on managing your online brand; however, be aware that recruiters will research you, so be proactive so you know what they will find. If you are an unsolicited candidate and this is the only time recruiters see your profile, then you have just a few seconds to make an impression.

Social media is great for identifying trends and breaking news. Subscribe to blog posts and Twitter feeds in the days leading up to your interview to ensure you are current. Look at the way the organization promotes itself online—this is what they want you to know, so this is what you should reflect in your discussions about the organization.

Organizations respect you when you are a good negotiator. If you ask for what is customary for your target market, employers will know that you are savvy in your field.

35 of the Best Personal Websites We've Ever Seen - The Muse

Social media is great for gathering data, and its interactivity and ability to finely search by a mix of keywords mean that you can use social media to get nuanced data. Take advantage of this because employers expect you to negotiate, and your ability to negotiate well is a reflection on you as a candidate. Setting up a profile or account in LinkedIn, Facebook, and other social media sites is just the beginning. As you move through life, you pick up new skills, join new associations, and start and end different jobs. Your profile represents one snapshot in time, unless you remember to update it.

One good way to remember to update your social media profiles is to make major updates as soon as they occur e. Alternatively, set a reminder for every three to four months to update your social media profiles, and this can capture big and smaller changes, such as adding details about a new project, if not a new job. In addition to updating the facts on your profile, you want to connect with people and interact so that you take advantage of the networking capacity of social media sites. Here, too, you can set reminders and limits for when and how frequently you will be on these sites.

Or you might decide that social media is a priority in your strategy and devote more time. If you decide to work with multiple sites and have a blog and website, then you may need several hours each week to get the full benefit of the networking and interactivity. You can only have one profile on each site. If you decide to use your profile for your job search e. Professionally shared profiles have no personal and professional distinction, so you want to be careful not to put anything that will reflect negatively on you e. You can try to manage one profile to be professional, say on LinkedIn, which is broadly accepted as a professional networking site.

You also can manage one profile to be personal, say on Facebook, which is broadly accepted as a social platform. To accomplish this, you need to be very disciplined about how the information on your personal profile is shared. You want restricted access, and you only should connect with people with whom you have a personal relationship.