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Jones cancels last minute due to the weather, leaving Julie disheartened as she had hoped that her meeting with Jones would lead to a book contract. Eric remains optimistic, frustrating Julie. He is hurt over Julie's prioritization of her blog and readers over their marriage and he leaves after an argument. She takes a short break from cooking, but after her mother demonstrates support for her cooking, she decides to return to it. Eric returns, after he reads her blog post in which she demonstrates remorse for her actions. Julie is visited by The New York Times who feature her blog in a story, after which her project begins to receive the attention of journalists, literary agents, and publishers.

Julie is hurt when Child gives a dismissive comment on Julie's blog. In the s, Julia Child, an enthusiastic and unabashed woman, moves to Paris with her diplomat husband, Paul Child Tucci. She attends Le Cordon Bleu to learn French cooking, and is initially met with skepticism as she is the only woman in the class. Madame Elizabeth Brassart Buck , the proprietress of the school and Child clash.

She is undaunted however, and begins collaborating on a book about French cooking for American housewives with Simone Beck Edmond and Louisette Bertholle Carey. Paul warns Julia that he may be assigned elsewhere, as his four-year assignment in Paris will be ending soon. She remains optimistic that they will not move Paul, and if they do, they'll remain in Europe. Child's book is offered publication soon before Paul is reassigned to Marseilles.

She and Simone plan to tell Louisette that she will be receiving a smaller share of the royalties they receive from the book due to Louisette's lesser contribution to the project. After learning Louisette is getting a divorce, they waive their claims.

The last scene shows Powell and her husband visiting Child's kitchen at the Smithsonian Institution and Child in the same kitchen receiving a first print of her cookbook and celebrating the event with her husband. The film received positive reviews from critics, and Streep's performance was highly acclaimed by critics. A consummate entertainment that echoes the rhythms and attitudes of classic Hollywood, it's a satisfying throwback to those old-fashioned movie fantasies where impossible dreams do come true.

And, in this case, it really happened. That's one more movie than it needs to be. Streep has been widely praised for her performance as Child. Movie critic A. Scott of The New York Times affirmed that "By now [Streep] has exhausted every superlative that exists and to suggest that she has outdone herself is only to say that she's done it again. Her performance goes beyond physical imitation, though she has the rounded shoulders and the fluting voice down perfectly. On its opening weekend, the film opened 2 behind G. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Not to be confused with Julia and Julia , a Italian film; or Julia film.

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