How to find car pool links

Enter your trip locations and times. Get matched with neighbors or co-workers going your way. Book a ride and enjoy the benefits. Find your match. Scoop A mobile app that finds you the most efficient carpool match, lets you schedule individual trips for maximum flexibility, and facilitates payments from riders to drivers.

Introduction to Carpool Mobile App

Service area: Residential areas across King County and select work areas Scheduling trips: Separate scheduling for morning and evening trips. Schedule your morning trip by pm the night before. Evening trips can be scheduled until pm on the same day. You'll be notified of a match a few minutes after each matching period. Cost for riders: Variable, viewable before booking Driver reimbursement: Variable, viewable before booking Choice of carpool partner: Scoop's algorithm automatically matches you with another carpooler based on the most efficient trip.

Guaranteed Ride Home: If you carpool in the morning as a rider and are not matched in the evening, Scoop will cover the cost of your alternate transportation home.

Carpool Lots

More info here. Languages: English. For riders:. For drivers:.

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Waze Carpool A mobile app that lets you choose from the most efficient carpool matches, lets you schedule individual trips for maximum flexibility, and facilitates payments from riders to drivers. Service area: Washington State Scheduling trips: Up to one week prior or in real time. One to two days in advance is recommended.

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To join the group, visit bit. Choice of carpool partner: Choose between matches or filter for co-workers, same gender or private groups.

Car Pool Listings

Register Log in. Rideshare Online A website that shows you the most efficient carpool matches and lets you contact potential carpoolers. Connect with Rideshare. Rideshare contact list Quick links. Customer support Maintenance contacts Accounting contacts. Customer support We appreciate your participation in our commuter van program! And for more money-saving tips, check out our 51 Painless Ways to Save Money. Our Day Money Challenge will help you get out of debt, save more, and take back control of your life.

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  2. Cost and Benefits of Carpooling;
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  4. Ride in the HOV lane.;
  6. Comfort, Convenient and Cost-Effective;
  7. Organizational Links;
  8. I've been looking for a comprehensive guide to all-things-money and this has been so informative. Might have a great friend in the same neighborhood and not even know it…. Nice resources and carpooling is a great way to save some gas money and meet some new people. Tough to convince people to do though, people like their space. Especially in the morning. Click here to cancel reply. Name required. Email will not be published required.

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    Environmental Impact of Carpooling Carpooling can significantly reduce greenhouse emissions. Each individual rider pays a monthly fee that covers the cost of the vehicle, scheduled service, regular maintenance, hour roadside assistance, insurance and gas. Month-to-month flexibility is available.

    You must be 25 or older to participate. One free Bundle Pack of 10 daily parking permits for each vanpool participant for the days you need to drive.

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    Free registration in the Guaranteed Ride Home program, which provides a free ride home if there is an emergency. Please fill out this vanpool interest form to provide us with information about yourself and your commute. We will be holding more vanpool formation meetings where you can ask questions, learn more and meet other employees who are also interested in vanpooling throughout the semester.