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What are DUI classes like?

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Online Defensive Driving. Online Drivers Ed. Anger Management.

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Treatment and Rehab. Online Traffic School. Online Counselling. In the past 10 years, over 1. Drivers arrested and charged with DUI are legally required to attend a DUI education course as part of their punishment for this offense. Here are the steps to creating a DUI school. To create this article, 11 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has also been viewed 31, times. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Author Info Updated: March 29, Learn more Learn the basics of DUI schools so you are knowledgeable about the legalities of the offense and what the requirements are in your state for offenders who must undergo DUI educational classes.

This is a major step in knowing how to start a DUI school. DUI requirements vary from state to state and county to county.

Alcohol Assessments and DWI - Minick Law, P.C.

The DUI class requirements are also affected by the nature of the offense. The driver's BAC, whether or not the driver has had a prior offense, and whether or not the driver is willing to submit to a breathalyzer test at the time of arrest all have an impact on their legal situation and how long they will be required to attend DUI School. Write a business plan for your DUI school. Enlist a business plan writer, if necessary. Study the competing schools in your area to see the kind of plans they offer. Another person may have had multiple offenses, which means there is a true problem.

This information can be used to ensure proper education and that certain measures are taken to help the person not re-offend. Judges can also use assessments to increase or decrease penalties.

As for how long DUI classes last, the length depends on what the state has determined is best. One state may require just 12 hours, while another requires 26 hours. How many offenses a person has had can also determine the length of the class.

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DUI classes have their own curriculums, which also determine their length. If it is a second or third offense, the class may be divided into phases. The first phase may be the weekly sessions in which attendance is mandatory. The second phase is when the classes graduate to every other week.

What Is a “Restricted” or “Hardship” License?

No two states may do this the same way. In regard to individual class length, a class may be an hour long or it may be two hours long. Again, the state determines the length, but this can give you a good idea of what to expect. The cost is another element of DUI classes that varies by state.

DWI Schools

The classes can cost hundreds of dollars. Because the class is mandatory, the cost is mandatory. What is paid toward DUI classes is in addition to the fines related to the DUI offense and any costs that will occur later when pursuing license reinstatement. If you are awarded limited driving privileges because of an ignition interlock device, the ignition interlock device is paid for by the offender. This shows how expensive a DUI conviction can be.