Hawaii secretary of state obama birth certificate

The governor said at the time that he was bothered by people who questioned Mr.

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But Mr. Louie told him the law restricted his options. View all New York Times newsletters. Some people have claimed that Mr.

Obama's isle birth is easily verified, but few check | Honolulu Star-Advertiser

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See next articles. A Hawaii state official recently came forward with proof that President Barack Obama's birth certificate was not legitimate. Former Hawaii elections clerk Tim Adams Former Hawaii elections clerk Tim Adams recently signed an affidavit swearing that his supervisors told him that no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Barack Obama Jr. Former Hawaii elections clerk Tim Adams has now signed an affidavit swearing he was told by his supervisors in Hawaii that no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Barack Obama Jr.

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In the clip, Adams participated in a phone conversation with host James Edwards. As in subsequent comments Adams made to WND , his assertions hinged upon rumors he claimed to have heard during the course of his temporary employment as an elections clerk in the county of Honolulu rather than any substantive information supporting his assertions.

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I was Chief elections clerk for the city and county of Honolulu on temporary contract. I ran an office that verified voter eligibility and had a staff of about 50 people. When this question came up, I had access to all the usual government databases that people had to verify identity, NCIS, Social Security, all sorts of other things that we use on average voters.

In our professional opinion, Barack Obama was not born in the United States, and there is no Hawaii long-form birth certificate.

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It was openly admitted by everyone in the office who was above me, at least my immediate supervisors, that there is no documentation. No effort was made during those separate interviews to differentiate the procedural differences in determining voter eligibility versus obtaining a birth certificate for any individual in or outside the scope of election clerk duties.

Adams never clarified why his office primarily tasked with matters of voting and election administration in the county of Honolulu might have ever been involved with or otherwise knowledgeable on a purported search for a Department of Health record pertaining to a candidate in a national election. But no explanation for the necessity of an affidavit was provided; and it appeared that the document was generated solely for the purpose of implying the claims made in the article were credible.

The affidavit itself involved little additional information above and beyond what Adams had shakily claimed in both interviews adding the dates of his employment, May through September He did, however, backpedal on claims that he had access to most databases that would hold that sort of information, saying instead that verification data was provided by various agencies outside the Board of Elections via inquiries.

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We also verify the identity of the candidates that go on the state ballot. And so the lady that I report to, who we mentioned earlier, that was part of their responsibility. They had to verify the identity of the people who go on the state ballot. So when the questions came up, we made inquiries, and the only thing we got back was, is, there are no documents.

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Obama then released a copy of that longer version of his birth certificate in response to the widely discredited claims he was not born in the United States. Additional reporting by Alex Dobuzinskis and Eric M. Discover Thomson Reuters. Directory of sites.