Surry county north carolina census records

You can also search by month and day. You can also search our collections using Google. Enter your search term into the Google search bar, followed by site:digital. Google will show you items in the Digital Collections, and may also show you search results pages or collection pages from the Digital Collections.

Richard Cheek

Google is especially good to use if you aren't sure if only know the approximate spelling or wording of your search term, because it can help correct spelling mistakes or predict near-correct search words. Google is also good when you are searching for a term or phrase that you expect to appear in the full text of documents.

Burch Station, (historical) Marsh Township, Surry County North Carolina

Google shows snippets of text, which can give you a clue about where your search terms show up in documents. For example, imagine that you were looking for information about the creation of North Carolina's Administrative Office of the Courts. In the search below, for "hereby established" and "Administrative Office of the Courts" , you can see that the first result has information about the creation of the new state office. After clicking on the document, you'll need to perform a full text search to find the page or issue that contains this text.

You can look for all documents that contain specific words by entering your search terms in the simple search box or the advanced search box. By default, the search box searches across all fields, including full text. Once you have found the item you are interested in, you will next need to find where your term appears in the item. There are four ways to do this:. This site, the North Carolina Digital Collections, has over 30 different collections.

You can search across all of the collections, a few of the collections, or within just one collection. You can add or remove collections to your search in the Advanced Search area, or at the top left of the database where it says "Add or remove other collections to your search". The North Carolina Digital Collections has over 30 different collections.

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Several of these are especially likely to be helpful for genealogical research, including:. We also suggest performing searches across all collections. Although you are likely to turn up many non-relevant results, you may find what you are looking for in an unexpected place. When you filter your results or use Advanced Search, you may notice that field names change, depending on whether you are searching within a single collection or within more than one collection. The profiles themselves were originally developed by the SDC from datasets provided by the U. Census Bureau. They contain county and state statistics and hand-colored maps related to labor, population, housing, and economic conditions.

Looking for more recent profiles? Or go directly to LINC, a database of over data items from state and federal agencies, including historical data and projections s to , state, county, municipality, township, tract, block group, and block coverage, customized report capabilities, and preformatted topic reports. FAQs How do I search for words within the full text of a document?

Can I search across all collections?

Surry Census HH

Which are the best collections for doing genealogical research? Field names.

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  8. Example Searches Simple Search Box Searches in all fields title, description, creator, subjects, full text, etc. The following map shows the percent of individuals with major depressive episode by state over multiple years. In , California had the highest estimated number of chronically homeless individuals in the nation, at 35, New York has the second highest 5, , followed by Florida 4, The following map shows the estimated number of chronically homeless individuals in the nation by state over multiple years.

    In , Mississippi had the highest prevalence of adults who haven't seen a doctor in the past 12 months due to cost, at It is followed by Texas The following map shows the prevalence of adults who haven't seen a doctor in the past 12 months due to cost by state over multiple years. Between and , all personal health care spending per capita in North Carolina including private, Medicare, and Medicaid grew 3. The following chart shows how this spending changed over time in comparison to Medicaid, Medicare, and private insurance spending, per enrollee.

    Between and , the percent of uninsured citizens in Surry County, NC declined by The following chart shows how the percent of uninsured individuals in Surry County, NC changed over time compared with the percent of individuals enrolled in various types of health insurance. Edgecombe County has the highest prevalence of diabetes in North Carolina, at The following map shows the prevalence of diabetes in North Carolina by county over multiple years.

    Surry County, NC is home to a population of As of , 5. In , the median age of all people in Surry County, NC was Native-born citizens, with a median age of 44, were generally older than than foreign-born citizens, with a median age of But people in Surry County, NC are getting getting older.

    Surry County, North Carolina Population 12222

    In , the average age of all Surry County, NC residents was In , the percentage of foreign-born citizens in Surry County, NC was 5. The following chart shows the percentage of foreign-born residents in Surry County, NC compared to that of it's neighboring and parent geographies. In , the most common birthplace for the foreign-born residents of North Carolina was Mexico, the natal country of , North Carolina residents, followed by India with 60, and Honduras with 34, As of , The following chart shows US citizenship percentages in Surry County, NC compared to that of it's neighboring and parent geographies.

    In , there were 8. There were 7. The following bar chart shows the 8 races and ethnicities represented in Surry County, NC as a share of the total population. Surry County, NC has a large population of military personnel who served in Vietnam, 3. In , universities in Surry County, NC awarded degrees. The student population of Surry County, NC is skewed towards women, with 1, male students and 1, female students. This visualization illustrates the percentage of students graduating with a Associates Degree from schools in Surry County, NC according to their major.

    In , the Surry County, NC institution with the largest number of graduating students was Surry Community College with degrees awarded. This chart displays the gender disparity between the institutions in Surry County, NC by degrees awarded. These degrees mean that there were 8.

    North Carolina Tedder Census Data, Tax Lists, Land Records, and more, by county

    People in Surry County, NC have an average commute time of Car ownership in Surry County, NC is approximately the same as the national average, with an average of 2 cars per household. Please note that the buckets used in this visualization were not evenly distributed by ACS when publishing the data.

    In , the median household income of the The following chart displays the households in Surry County, NC distributed between a series of income buckets compared to the national averages for each bucket. The following charts display, first, the property values in Surry County, NC compared to it's parent and neighbor geographies and, second, owner-occupied housing units distributed between a series of property value buckets compared to the national averages for each bucket. This chart shows the households in Surry County, NC distributed between a series of property tax buckets compared to the national averages for each bucket.

    This percentage grew from the previous year's rate of This percentage of owner-occupation is higher than the national average of This chart shows the ownership percentage in Surry County, NC compared it's parent and neighboring geographies. The following chart displays the households in Surry County, NC distributed between a series of car ownership buckets compared to the national averages for each bucket.

    The largest share of households in Surry County, NC have 2 cars, followed by 3 cars. Using averages, employees in Surry County, NC have a shorter commute time Additionally, 2. The chart below shows how the median household income in Surry County, NC compares to that of it's neighboring and parent geographies.

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    The following chart shows the number of households using each mode of transportation over time, using a logarithmic scale on the y-axis to help better show variations in the smaller means of commuting. Surry County, NC. Add Comparison. Median Age. Median Household Income. Poverty Rate.