Number of people using search engine

BuzzSumo allows you to drill down and analyze the topics that matter to your industry, your competitors, and the influencers you learn from. Source: BuzzSumo. This RSS feed aggregator allows you to follow your favorite brands and see their most recent content in once place.

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Add your favorites and discover new publishers by searching your industry, skills, or -- you guessed it -- trending topics. Source: Feedly. Freshness and user-based voting determines how content is prioritized on Reddit.

The Internet: How Search Works

A quick visit to the homepage shows you trending or popular posts. And you can filter by country or recency for a more relevant feed. Source: Reddit. Conduct competitive research, home in on a keyword, or search for trending topics. Ahrefs helps you identify trending content and shows you what to do to outrank your competitors.

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Source: Ahrefs. Pocket allows you to save content from anywhere on the web. Review your content whenever you wish and head to the Explore page to find trending topics that are relevant to you. Source: Pocket. Sign up for Quora and select topic areas that interest you e. Quora will stock your feed with questions relating to your content interests. This gives you insight into what your customers are asking, real-time debates about competitors, and even allows you to answer questions about topics you have experience in.

Source: Quora. Want to dig a little deeper into search? Originally published May 7, AM, updated May 06 In the spirit of thinking about the environment, I came across some interesting statistics which, when you put them together, give some shocking conclusions Contact Us. Investors Investor Relations. According to these results, younger users are more likely to click on the first 1—2 results on page one, while older users are more likely to explore additional results, browsing farther down on the first page — or even onto the second and third pages — to find the information they're looking for.

This trend raises some interesting questions about user behavior: are older searchers more skeptical, and therefore likely to look for a larger variety of answers to their questions? Are younger users more concerned with getting answers quickly, and more likely to settle for the first result they see?

Organic Traffic Statistics

Is this tied to the rise in featured snippets? When it comes to how users feel about featured snippets, the majority of searchers say that their behavior depends on what is displayed in the snippet. Marketers who are concerned that snippets steal traffic away from organic results might be pleased to learn that a relatively low number of respondents — only However, this data suggests another potentially alarming trend as it relates to featured snippet interactions and age: the youngest searchers 13—18 are percent more likely than the oldest searchers 70— to consider their question answered without clicking on the snippet or any result.

Conversely, the older respondents 60— are percent more likely to continue searching, depending on the answer in the snippet.

Industry/Business Spending Statistics

This again points to younger searchers seeming to prioritize getting a response quickly, while older users are more likely to spend time evaluating a variety of results. When it comes to the trustworthiness of featured snippets, most users are on the fence: However, age once again plays a role in the results. Additionally, the youngest category of searchers 13—18 is 53 percent more likely than average to trust featured snippets.

The same outcome is true for Knowledge Panel results — the majority of users However, As with previous questions, younger users are significantly more likely to consider read the information in the Knowledge Panel and consider their search complete. Google has rolled out many new result types that allow searchers to get the answer to their question directly within the search results. According to the data, the majority of respondents use these features but continue browsing the other search results. It is interesting to note that one-third of respondents usually ignore result types such as job listings, events, and flights, and instead skip over to the regular blue links.

We Surveyed 1, Searchers About Google - Here's What We Learned - Moz

Our next question was whether searchers have found incorrect information in any of the aforementioned result types. A combined Among those respondents who do have issues with Google, the most common complaints involve Google showing too many ads, prioritizing content from large corporations, making it harder for small businesses to compete; and showing too many Google-owned assets within the results. We also opened up the survey to allow respondents to leave feedback about how they feel about Google and the quality of its results.

The vast majority of responses related to user privacy, the unsettling feeling of sharing private information with the search engine, and disliking that search queries are used in retargeting campaigns. Several respondents were concerned about the political and philosophical implications of Google deciding what content should or should not be prominently featured in its results. Some complaints had to do with the limited options to apply filters and perform advanced searches in both standard results, as well as on Google Images. They are largely skeptical about taking all of the information included in rich results at face value.

However, there is data to support that younger searchers are more likely to implicitly trust the information provided in rich results, and less likely to visit deeper pages of the search results during their search journeys. This should be an interesting trend for marketers to pay attention to over time — one that raises many philosophical questions about the role that information from Google should play in our lives. What happens when the information Google shares is blatantly wrong, or even worse, dangerous?

While it is important that Google maintains the highest quality standards for displaying credible and trustworthy information, freedom of speech and diversity of ideas must also remain of utmost importance, as future generations become increasingly trusting of the information they discover in the search results. When segmenting by age range, I agree with conclusions you get: young searchers always look for quick and simple answers and older searchers are concerned about contrasting that information.

Answering your question, I think you have to adapt to Google while it remains the predominant search engine. The second is that Google slowly, but consistently becomes a competitor to content publishers. I see here a lot of similarities to Amazon's actions in terms of cooperation with its "partners". And this, unfortunately, does not portend anything good for many entities of this market. And that means that someone has to lose it.

Over time young people getting older and wiser! Because different generations have different needs. See how different is the generation of the current year-olds from those who lived in the 90s. These are completely different people, with different needs and behaviors. The issue is that young people are already looking on youtube rather than Google.

15 SEO Statistics for 12222

The future is moving towards audiovisual consumption instead of text consumption. So many great stats in here Lily! Well done. They help determine which websites pop up in the search results listing. If you want to start gaining traffic from search engines then you need to get your website into the first few results.

In order to do this, you need to understand how search engines work. Things have changed a lot over the past decade or so and it has made it much harder to target certain keywords. In years past, a search engine may have returned the websites which mentioned a particular set of keywords the most.

60+ Mind-Blowing Search Engine Optimization Stats

This, however, resulted in people stuffing their websites with lots of keywords and very little relevant information. To prevent this, the search engines created a number of changes behind the scenes. For example, recent updates to Google , such as the Google Panda and Google Penguin updates have stopped these types of techniques from working. Try to consider ways of optimizing your site which will allow users to find it based on how they use a search engine.

Search engines are the main way in which people find information on the web.

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Making sure that your business website lands within the first few search results can be a great way to increase traffic numbers. To do this, however, you must learn how search engines work and how people use them. Remember that people will search for information in a certain way, so it is important for you to try to design the content and information on your site with this in mind. In addition, following effective SEO practices will enable you to create a site which is both popular and very easy to find in the search engines.