Fbi background check healthcare pa

Digital Fingerprint Services: DHS Service Codes

There are a number of ways for employers to gather information on the background of an applicant for employment. Employers may simply call an applicant's former employer to confirm the applicant's dates of employment and title and to try to obtain a more detailed reference from a supervisor. However, more and more frequently, employers are hiring third parties to conduct background checks on applicants who have been offered employment.

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  • Digital Fingerprint Services: DHS Service Codes - RCPA;
  • Clearances Overview?
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There are often legal limits on employers obtaining and using this type of information. When employers hire a third party to conduct a background check or to obtain reports from outside agencies, such reports are subject to the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act FCRA and state laws.

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In Pennsylvania, employers must comply with laws concerning criminal background checks. Criminal Background Checks. Go to TN. Print This Page.

Go to Search. Criminal Background Check Instructions. If you do not have access to the internet, you may call IdentoGO at to schedule an appointment.

PA Act 's Impact On Healthcare Employees & Volunteers

If you call, you will be asked the following questions instead of completing these steps yourself. Follow the prompts to proceed with the registration process. Choose the preferred language by clicking on either English or Spanish. Select the location where the reprint appointment will be scheduled.

Selection may be made by entering a zip code, clicking on the picture of the map or choosing a region of the state from the drop down box. Print or write down the confirmation number, appointment time and place.

Federal and State Background Checks and Clearances

Please make sure that you arrive at your scheduled reprint appointment and location on time. REFUND POLICY Refunds will be given under the following circumstances: Initial fingerprint appointment was not kept and second appointment was unable to be made within two 2 weeks of initial appointment, or appointment was unable to be kept due to unforeseen circumstances agreed to by customer and IdentoGO. Refunds will not be given under the following circumstances: If the customer did not reschedule their fingerprinting appointment within the two 2 week period after their original appointment.