Find local ip on solaris

Information on the second line includes the IP address of the host you are using, the netmask being currently used, and the IP broadcast address of the interface.

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The third line gives the machine address Ethernet, in this case of the host. In this case, see the ifconfig 1M man page. You can display the status of TCP and UDP endpoints in table format, routing table information, and interface information. These displays are the most useful for system administration. See the netstat 1M man page for a description of the options.

Parts of the output have been truncated. The information can indicate areas where a protocol is having problems. For example, statistical information from ICMP can indicate where this protocol has found errors. IGMP : 0 messages received 0 messages received with too few bytes 0 messages received with bad checksum 0 membership queries received 0 membership queries received with invalid field s 0 membership reports received 0 membership reports received with invalid field s 0 membership reports received for groups to which we belong 0 membership reports sent.

The i option of netstat shows the state of the network interfaces that are configured with the machine where you ran the command. For example, the input packet count Ipkts displayed for a server can increase each time a client tries to boot , while the output packet count Opkts remains steady. This suggests that the server is seeing the boot request packets from the client, but does not realize it is supposed to respond to them. This might be caused by an incorrect address in the hosts , ipnodes, or ethers database.

Building a Private Virtual Network (PVN) with Solaris Zones

On the other hand, if the input packet count is steady over time, it means that the machine does not see the packets at all. This suggests a different type of failure, possibly a hardware problem. The -r option of netstat displays the IP routing table.

The U flag indicates that the route is up; the G flag indicates that the route is to a gateway. The H flag indicates that the destination is a fully qualified host address, rather than a network.

How to configure an IP address in Solaris 11

The Refcnt column shows the number of active uses per route , and the Use column shows the number of packets sent per route. Finally, the Interface column shows the network interface that the route uses. How to Log Network Problems Become superuser. Create a log file of routing daemon actions by typing the following command at a command line prompt. Displaying Packet Contents You can use snoop to capture network packets and display their contents. Packets can be displayed as soon as they are received, or saved to a file. When snoop writes to an intermediate file, packet loss under busy trace conditions is unlikely.

For information about using the snoop command, refer to the snoop 1M man page. The snoop command must be run by root to capture packets to and from the default interface in promiscuous mode. In summary form, only the data pertaining to the highest-level protocol is displayed. The snoop capture file format is described in RFC Type the following command at the command line prompt to find the interfaces attached to the system. Type snoop. Use Ctl-C to halt the process. Interpret the results. In the example, client maupiti transmits to server atlantic using NFS file handle The conversation continues until maupiti broadcasts an ARP request asking who is This example demonstrates the format of snoop.

The next step is to filter snoop to capture packets to a file. Interpret the capture file using details described in RFC So it looked up the hostname to get an address, and then just chooses the first address and passed that back to the underlying system gethostbyaddr function. So why is this not working on Solaris maybe other platforms we have not tested? Seems we have a work around, but not the root cause?

I can't speak for Solaris, only illumos. In this case it turns up that getaddrinfo returns an IPv6 address first.

Building a Private Virtual Network (PVN) with Solaris Zones

The re-entrant versions of gethostbyaddr never supported IPv6. The non-re-entrant ones will call into getipnodebyaddr , but really, these are the wrong interfaces to be using in general. They've been deprecated on Linux and the getaddrinfo and getnameinfo family was designed to deal with both v4, v6, and handling re-entrancy. For what it's worth, these were never documented to work with IPv6. I'm not too familiar with the salt level issues, I just was asked to look at the python behavior from an illumos perspective.

Reasons this may or may not be an issue on other platforms are a different order of returned addresses or that their re-entrant versions of gethostbyaddr which are different on many platforms have been updated to deal with this despite being deprecated. So this is a bug waiting to happen, because its dependant on the order of IPv6, IPv4 returned.

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For example some platforms take the IPv4 and turn it into automatic IPv6 address as well. So they should be both giving the same results. If none of the FQDN return start with the short hostname? But I am think wider than just Solaris i.

Just use getfqdn instead. Cleanest would be to just use socket. If you call socket. What if someone had in their DNS like aname A 1. Keeping in mine DNS rotates forward results, so the first one will change? Which one would you get as the FQDN? Since I'm already on Very ugly but it avoids all this mess. Or should I create a PR updating the docs marking this as broken on Solaris-like platforms?

I have to admit, I also did not found enough time to look into that, but we could join The Force. Going over the issue again it does seem like: socket. See comment. This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions. This is still a small problem, but both upstream Illumos and python do not agree with each other.

Illumos does not agree. This still results in incorrect grain data after all the code trying to do the right thing which was confusing got taken out. As a workaround I still manually override those grains. Far from perfect though.

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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Copyright Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. If it is non-null, use it but recommend against it. Algorithm stop as soon as a name with a dot is found : 1.