Dade county florida property records

Bath Club Entertainment, a Peebles-controlled entity, claims the assessment is arbitrarily based on appraisals that are not professionally accepted practices.

Miami Dade County Official Records Search

The project consists of two towers with units and a garage. It was the only phase of the former Biscayne Landing project of the early s to get built. Univision Television Group alleges that it was unfairly taxed on the value of broadcasting equipment that it abandoned on its former Doral headquarters when it changed spaces in By clicking Subscribe you agree to our Privacy Policy. February 07, PM.

Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser

Related Articles. Crocker Partners withdraws plans and two lawsuits tied to Midtown Boca. Bacardi-owned company sues construction firm for defects and delays at Coral Gables office development. The Alexander Group allegedly mismanaged and then refused to complete Indian Creek Island mansion: lawsuit.

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Construction of Echo Brickell allegedly damaged neighboring condo building: lawsuit. Sign up for T R D news! Email Address. There are requirements in most administrative proceedings that the amount not in dispute must be paid prior to the filing of a petition.

Property records in Miami Dade County at your fingertips

As an offset, this statute also provides; " 2 If the value adjustment board determines that a refund is due, the overpaid amount accrues interest at the rate of 12 percent per year…until a refund is paid. From the time this piece of legislation was enacted until , when the current County Tax Collector was appointed to office, the position of the County Tax Collector's office in Miami Dade County was to pay interest to all taxpayer who filed VAB petitions and were awarded refunds. This position was regardless of whether the refunds were a result of a VAB hearing or whether the refunds were granted prior to hearing such as through a Petition Withdrawal Agreement.

This alludes to the notion that the VAB has "determined the refund is due" whether or not there was a formal hearing.

Bulldog Archives

The current County Tax Collector took a different approach. Not only does the office now take the stance that, absent a hearing, the VAB has not "determined" the refund, but they have gone a step further.

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The complaint in William Island Ventures, et al. Marcus L.

Saiz de la Hora ,CA Fla. The method of collecting these is to put a lien on the title of properties associated with interest previously paid by the County. These liens are not for tax currently due, but solely for interest paid by the tax collector and collected by the property owner.

Property Appraiser - Miami-Dade County

The taxpayers, by and through their complaint, allege:. The Tax Collector has no authority to lien for interest.

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The Tax Collector is attempting to collect the interest in the same manner as he collects taxes. However, there is no statutory authority to such actions. The interest the tax collector seeks to recapture is not equivalent to ad valorem taxes and cannot by collected in the same way.