Look up address for phone number

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If you'd like to learn more, please take a look at our Privacy Policy that helps explain our privacy practices. Any WhatsApp users from your address book will appear as contacts you can message in WhatsApp.

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  • During this entire process, phone numbers are sent to WhatsApp for lookup, securely, over an encrypted connection. In order to know who you're chatting with, the app displays the names from your address book.

    NAICS US Company Lookup Tool

    How can we help you? Usage of your phone number and address book We ask for phone numbers because that's how WhatsApp identifies WhatsApp users, making it easier for you to message friends and family quickly.

    Cell Number Lookup free - get name and address

    Last year, Facebook was forced to admit that after months of pestering its users to switch on two-factor by signing up their phone number, it was also using those phone numbers to target users with ads. For years Facebook claimed the adding a phone number for 2FA was only for security.

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    Now it can be searched and there's no way to disable that. See thread! Using security to further weaken privacy is a lousy move—especially since phone numbers can be hijacked to weaken security. Putting people at risk.