How do i find out my mail server

Find your SMTP server address

DNS records help email reach your Linode. The right DNS records also help designate your Linode as a legitimate mail server. That way, any changes you make later will propagate quickly. When it finds the MX record pointing to your Linode, it sends the message to your Linode. Create an MX record for each domain and subdomain for which you want to receive mail on your Linode. You can also set multiple MX records with different priorities for the same domain.

This creates fallback mail servers for your domain in case the first one on the list is down. Lower numbers have a higher priority.

Find your Exchange mailbox server settings

Make sure that domain or subdomain has an A record that points to the correct IP address. Spammers may try to do this to get around spam filters. An SPF record for your domain tells other receiving mail servers which outgoing server s are valid sources of email, so they can reject spoofed email from your domain that has originated from unauthorized servers. In your SPF record, list all the mail servers from which you send mail, and exclude all the others.

If your Linode is the only mail server you use, you should be able to use the example record below. If the IPs match, the check passes.

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Make sure your SPF records are not too strict. If you accidentally exclude a legitimate mail server, its messages could get marked as spam.

Visit open-spf. Their examples are also helpful. The reverse DNS for your mail server must match the hostname of your Linode. If you need to check or set the hostname, see our Getting Started article.

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At this point, you should have a basic mail server up and running. This includes adding spam and virus filtering to protect your users, setting up mail clients, providing a webmail solution, and adding any extras you want, such as mailing lists. Take steps to ensure that your Linode is not used as an open relay server, which would allow anyone to send messages anywhere using your server.

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As admin user do you get Notification EMails about updates to Moodle? If, so, can you look at the full header of that message to see how it was delivered. Wish is was 'simple' and 'non-technical' Skip to main content. Installing and upgrading help Moodle could not communicate with your mail server. You are currently using guest access Log in. Search forums. Installing and upgrading help Moodle could not communicate with your mail server Password reset page error Install.

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Report back what debugging might have for ya. Then, also, there is the other end Just a lot of sluething! Ken, Thank you so much for your reply! I've read a lot of your post in forums and feel like a celebrity just answered my letter! The advice I received earlier was very unclear on what email folder to move, and I had been looking in the email folder area, which had a major kerfuffle every time I made any kind of change.

But I confess now that I did the one thing you recommended against and moved an older phpMailer folder into the lib folder, and my email is now working perfectly.

What is a Mail Server?

Was thinking I would try to comb through the phpMailer to see if anything jumps out at me as to why the older code worked when the newer doesn't? Cause what you did Do you re-call that url you were referenced to? So when email breaks investigation required So, you want to access your email, eh?

You're going to need an email client for that. But what is an email client? Email clients come in two varieties: webmail and email applications. I would like to change my MX Record so I can use a mail server with another provider. Learn how to check your email accounts from within Gmail.