How to find out your motherboard model

How do I find what computer motherboard I have?

How is it possible to know the motherboard manufacturer through software? Inside the computer BIOS there is a serial number, which includes a code for the manufacturer. So, a hardware identification utility reads the BIOS serial number and deciphers it for you.

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A quick Google search should be enough to find this out. Thursday, November 7, Hardware Secrets.

4 Ways to Find out What’s The Motherboard Model for Your Windows 7 & 10 Computer

Introduction Sooner or later you will need to know the manufacturer and exact model of your motherboard, especially if you plan to upgrade your computer, since the upgrade capabilities of your computer are set by the motherboard model you have. Continue: CPU-Z.

All you need to know will be printed on the top of the box. Usually, motherboard vendors print a huge name on the box, so very few people will find it difficult to find a motherboard model on the box itself. Look at the picture below. Suppose, you do not have a motherboard box.

Why Do I Want To Do This?

This may happen if you bought a second-hand PC or prebuilt system. All you need to do is simply open the side panel of your tower and peek inside. The only thing which may make it harder to find a motherboard model may be a big cooling system or huge GPU.

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  2. How to Find Motherboard Model and Serial Number.
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  4. How to Check What Motherboard I Have in Windows 10?.
  5. Why Is the Model Important?.
  6. How To Find your Motherboard Model in Windows.
  7. How To Find your Motherboard Model in Windows.
  8. Again, here is the example. Look below the first PCIe slot on the picture. It is time to turn on your PC and ask Windows nicely to find the motherboard model.

    1. An Overview of Motherboard and Serial Number.
    2. how to find email of a person?
    3. How to Find Out Your Motherboard Model? -
    4. Luckily for everyone, Windows is capable of scanning the firmware of a board to locate the needed information. What is even better is that all you need is one simple built-in app called Command Prompt.