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Click Save. Mouse over the filter's name. Click Edit. Enter the change you want to make. AOL Mail is supported by the paid ads we show.

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All ads can be removed by purchasing Ad Free Mail. AOL Help. Update AOL Mail settings. Where can I find each setting? Take control of your inbox by keeping your spam list up to date. Filters can be deleted by clicking the X next to "Edit. Edit a filter 1. Yes No. It displays in the recipient's inbox before they open the message. Be careful what you type into the Subject field. Typing an unprofessional subject line or leaving the subject line blank could get your message filtered to your recipient's Spam folder.

To activate the Cc and Bcc options, place your cursor in the To field. The Cc and Bcc options appear in the upper right corner of the New Message form. To open the Cc field, click the Cc option. The Cc field displays below the To field. Type the email addresses of any individuals you want to receive a copy of the Gmail message into the Cc field. To open the Bcc field, click the Bcc option.

The Bcc field displays below the Cc field.

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Type email addresses of any individuals you want to be blind copied onto the Gmail message in the Bcc field. In addition to typing the text of your message, you can control the way your message looks. You can send attachments or even money with your message. As you can see in the example above, I've started to type the text of my status report. However, the message is not complete.

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I need to add formatting, attach a file from my computer, and embed a URL. Gmail's formatting options appear in a menu at the bottom of the New Message form.

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If they are not visible, click the Formatting options icon it looks like an underlined Capital A next to the Send button. To apply a Formatting option place the cursor next to the text you want to format. Drag the cursor across the text to select it. Once your text is selected, click the Formatting option you want to apply to the selected text.

As an example, I'm going to apply bold and bullets to parts of my message. Here's what the formatted Gmail message looks like. To attach a file from your computer or from Google Drive, click the Attach files icon it looks like a paperclip at the bottom of the New Message form. Windows explorer opens. Note: There is an attachment size limit in Gmail. Your attached files cannot have a total size of over 25 MB.

That means a single file cannot be over 25 MB in size, or a group of files cannot add up to over 25 MB. Also, you cannot attach files with a. You can also insert an email link or a URL into your email message. To insert a link, place your cursor in the text where you want the link to be and click the Insert link icon it looks like a chain in the Formatting Options menu.

The Edit link box appears:. To add an emoji to your message, click the Insert emoji icon it looks like a smiley face from the Formatting options menu.

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The Emoji selection box displays. You can use the scroll bar to the right of the box or the emoji type icons across the top of the box to find more emojis. When you find the emoji you like, click it and it is inserted into your Gmail message. You can include a photo in the body of your message. To display the Upload Photos box, click the Insert Photo icon it looks like a camera on the Formatting options menu. Once you've selected an image, click the Insert button in the lower left corner of the Upload Photos box.

If you have a Google Wallet account, you can even send and request money through Gmail. To access this feature, click the Send and request money icon it looks like a dollar sign. Follow the prompts on the screen to send or request money. Note: You cannot use this feature if you are sending the email message to more than one person. Before you send your new Gmail message you should review it carefully.

Make sure that it says what you want it to say and that the information is correct. Gmail also provides a way for you to check spelling errors. If your message is not quite complete you can save it as a draft. If you decide not to send the message you've created you can save it as a draft as well. To check the spelling in your message, click the down arrow in the lower right corner of the New Message box. The More options submenu displays. Click Check spelling :. It's not difficult to save your message as a draft. Simply click on the X in the upper right corner of the New Message box.

Your message is saved in the Drafts folder and the New Message box closes. If you decide to not ever send your new Gmail message, you can discard it.

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Click the Discard draft it looks like a trashcan icon in the lower right corner of the New Message box. Click the Send button in the lower left corner of the New Message box. A message displays notifying you that your message has been sent. A variation of sending a message is forwarding a message.

You can only forward a message that you have already sent or that you have received. You can find messages you have already sent in your Sent Mail folder.

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A drop-down menu displays. Click the Forward option. Type the email address of the person you wish to forward the message to in the To field. Type any additional information you wish to include in the body of the text. Notice that Gmail adds a header to the original message that includes the email address of the original sender as well as the date and time it was sent.

When you are ready to send the forwarded message, click the Send button in the lower left corner.