How to find user id in linux

If you need to find all the files owned by a certain Unix user or group in a given directory, it's actually very easy to do using find command.

IBM Knowledge Center

If you know the username, this is the command you might use to locate all the files which belong to it:. If you're doing a broader search, you may be interested in identifying all the files owned by a Unix group. Here's how you can do it:. The output from who gives you the name of the current user, the terminal they are logged in at, the date and time when they logged in.

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If it is a remote session, it also tell us where they are logged in from. The w command provides us with the user name which is what we wanted, and a bonus set of data for that user.

Shell Programming and Scripting

Note that if there are multiple users logged into the Linux system, the w command will list them all. The w command provides the boot time, uptime and average load for the previous five, ten and fifteen minutes, and the following information regarding the current user. Now that we know who this user is, we can obtain more information about them. The id command is a good place to start. Type id , a space, the name of the user and press enter.

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A less cluttered display of the groups can be obtained by using the groups command. A nice summary is provided by the finger command. Once you have finger installed, you can use it to display some information about the user in question. On most Linux systems, some of these fields will be blank.

Find a user's UID or GID in Unix

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