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You can probably come up with some ideas that are even better than these, but just remember that the key is to say something mildly funny that your caller will enjoy and immediately forget. To illustrate the right way to do it, here are some good examples that you can take and use today. Thank you for your call. Please leave your name, number, and messageā€¦. Losing your business would make me very sad. Just kidding! Insert your celebrity crush here.

People know me. I have many leather-bound books. Doing it straight may be the best route to take, and this is always a great way to show your professionalism. Remember to keep it brief and get right to the point. I apologize for the inconvenience, but if you leave your name, number, and message, I will return your call as soon as possible. Please leave your name, number, and message.

Thank you!

Four Reasons Salespeople Absolutely Must Leave Great Voicemails:

Whether you decide to go for a funny, professional, or really creative voicemail greeting, your business will be better for it! Thanks for reading! However, if you would like to try Talkroute's Virtual Phone System for free, you can sign up for a trial here. So if you could give me a call back at [phone number].

Again, this is Evan. The aim was clearly to show the listener that Evan had provided value to others like them, and could potentially do the same for them. When we ratchet up the urgency by adding a timeline and even a little mystery , we astronomically increase our odds of someone dialing us immediately after getting the message. Lauren calling with Factor 8. Please call me at [phone number]. Again, Lauren trying to get you before the expiration.

12 Fun & Professional Business Voicemail Greetings for 12222

Call me back quickly please at [phone number]. You can be a little creative here and invent some urgency. But the urgency you invent has to become real at some point. For example, this script combines a sense of mystery with urgency. We need to talk today about your account.

Please return my call at your earliest convenience at [phone number]. Talk soon. Keep going! And keep track of which script you use and which are most likely to get prospects to call you back.

18 Professional Voicemail Greetings

I just saw a report that I need to talk to you about right away. You can return my call at [phone number]?

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  • The Answer: The 7 Top Manners of Leaving a Great Voicemail Message!

Plan ahead here! Here are a few steps and tips to make your process data-driven, and scalable:. Note: Find a way for your messages to not only be true, but to relate to each other so you can eventually leave multiple types of messages for each contact. Obviously if your urgency message number one mentions an imminent expiration, it would be awkward for you to then call back offering some value.

Get me? Even better, prep a starter that can work for any message! It could be as simple as you being really excited to talk to them about your potential fit, noticing some happenings about their company, or wanting to talk before XYZ event. But it does take the right approach and some diligence to make a huge difference in the amount of sales conversations you have. The key is consistency and practice. If you want to make voicemail an effective part of your sales process, you need to train on the tips and tricks in this article. Set up regular workshops, share successful examples frequently, and keep a record of which reps get the most callbacks.

That way, you can give them some recognition for their work. Up and to the right. I accept the Sales Hacker Privacy Policy. Sales Templates. Sales Training. Sales SAAS. Career Development. Industry Insights. Sales Development. Sales Enablement. Sales Engagement. Sales Management.

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    Press Media : Marketing Tips: Spicing Up Your Voicemail Greeting

    Voicemails Lead to Callbacksā€¦ eventually Some research has shown that each time you leave a message, the chances of a callback go up about ten percent! Selling in a voicemail. Sticking to a second limit is even better. Way too long. Not using names. Discounting the urgency. Still waiting on that call. Leaving random information rambling Usually, a rambling voicemail is a result of not having a plan going into the dial. Only leaving one voicemail. Speeding through your phone number. Not being conscious of the tone of voice.

    Sounding desperate. Making it all about you. Forgetting the goal of the voicemail. Tell me in the comments. Voicemail Script 3: The Value Only your mom will call you back for something you want. Voicemail Script 4: The Urgency When we ratchet up the urgency by adding a timeline and even a little mystery , we astronomically increase our odds of someone dialing us immediately after getting the message. Here are a few steps and tips to make your process data-driven, and scalable: Pick the voicemail strategy most fitting for your list and offer, and write an awesome message using your own words, values, etc.

    Rinse and repeat for three different and standard messages. Try at least two techniques. Really, every time. Log the message in your CRM noting your snazzy name above so you can keep track of your callback rate, and test a different strategy next time. Prep your callback statement. Your phone will ring. Yes, you will be shocked. So when someone calls you back saying they got a message you needed to speak to them right away, be prepared for how to jump in to the conversation. Try this for four straight days and note which strategy worked best for you and email me with how many callbacks you got!

    The Funniest Voicemail I've Ever Received