Get my original birth certificate

Her birth parents are deceased. Her adoptive parents are deceased. My mother is also deceased. I am doing my ancestry and need information from her birth certificate. Upon her death, we did not find one. How can I get a copy of that? We also know the year she was adopted. How can I find the certificate of birth with the names of the birth parents? If possible I would also like the certificate that was given to her adoptive parents and what ever information about the adoption we can get.

Hi, Linda — If you know the county in which her adoption was finalized, you can contact the county clerk there to start the search for her original birth certificate. They can guide you through the process of petitioning for the original and amended birth certificate. The clerk there will walk you through the process of obtaining your original birth certificate. The adoption agency through which you were adopted may also be able to provide answers to some of your questions. SC does not have any paperwork with her adopted name from the court.

Nobody seems to know how I can get her adopted name on a BC and sent to me. What documentation do I need and what do I do? Consider speaking with a local attorney for more guidance on this matter.

Birth Records

I have a weird situation. I was born out of wedlock in North Carolina in I want to get my original birth certificate to try to discover the identity of my birth father. I have no interest in meeting him, but I want to fill in the blanks. North Carolina? I just want answers! Please help!

Where Can I Find My Original Birth Certificate?

We recommend that you reach out to the county clerk where your first adoption was finalized in California. The county clerk may be able to access information about your birth father in your adoption records and potentially your original birth certificate, as well. Supposedly my dad adopted me when I was young and I do have his last name.

Hi, Tabatha — Do you know in which county your adoption may have been finalized? I am an adoptee looking to obtain my original birth certificate from Washington DC. They can help you access your original birth certificate there. Keep in mind that the process of accessing your original birth certificate varies by state and sometimes even by county. If you cannot obtain your birth certificate in Virginia, you may need to petition the county in which you were born for the original birth certificate.

Again, please contact the county clerk for more information on how you can open those records. Hello my name is Pearline. I was adopted in Virginia but live in California. How do I petition the court in Virginia. Both my biblical parents and adopted parents have passed away. Can I do this on line. Pearline is my birth name. I took back my birth name. But sometimes I have to use the name given at adoption. Thanks, Pearline. Hi Janet, I am in a similar situation.

I was born in Portsmouth Virginia. Both my biological and adoptive parents are deceased. I am having trouble getting my original BC. They even sent me a certificate with a mixture of the two arg!

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Any advice? Frustrated in California aka Emma adoptive name Pearline birth name. My husband was adopted by his mothers parents in Michigan.

He has always been in contact with his mother and has been in contact with his birth father for the past 23 years. He would like to obtain his original birth certificate. He was born in Baltimore, Maryland, however, the adoption took place in Michigan. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you! They can help him obtain his original birth certificate or help him determine his next steps. I was born in Leominster ma August 10 … and had a single mother was adopted by her new husband ….

Order an original birth certificate | Department of Public Health and Environment

Do I need to know my adoption year??.. And what is the route I should take. Hi, Joe — If you can find out the year and the county in which your adoption was finalized, that will help your search for your biological father. That way, you can contact the county clerk, who will guide you through the process of opening your adoption records.

You may wish to speak with a local adoption attorney for more information on this process for your situation. I was adopted from Columbia sc. Searching for my birth mom. Wanting to get any records from the adoption.

It was a open adoption. I have a pic of my birth mom. They can help you access any original documents from your adoption, including any available information about your birth mother. My Mother was an adoptee, and while in the process of filing for her sealed records to be released she past away at the age of 49 of heart failure. Ironically, others within our adopted family have died from the same disease. And, as her daughter, I am unsure if this is runs through our family given that she was adopted, or what.

Will it be possible for the daughter of an deceased adoptee to petition the court to unseal those documents for medical purposes?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

They can often guide you through the process of obtaining original adoption records, including medical documents. Because the process of unsealing adoption records varies by state and sometimes even by county, you might also reach out to a local adoption attorney, who can better explain the regulations in your state.

I was adopted at birth on Feb 12, in Anderson South Carolina.