Common law marriage in alabama insurance

In Alabama, these three things make you legally married by common law. The common law marriage is just as legally binding as a ceremonial marriage. It can only be ended by a divorce or by the death of the husband or wife. What is "capacity to marry"? You must be of sound mind. You must not be married to someone else. People who have lived together for many years, call themselves husband and wife and have many children still do not have a common law marriage if one of them is still married to someone else. This could happen if you or your partner gets a divorce while you are living together.

It could also happen if you move in with someone who is married, and their spouse dies while you are living with them.

Some benefits are similar to marriage, if you meet the requirements

If the person I'm living with says we are going to have a marriage in church some day, does this show intent to be married? It may suggest that the person does not think they are married to you now.

2/9/2017 - Alabama Common Law Marriage - Tuscaloosa, AL - LawCall - Legal Videos

Does a common law marriage end when we split up? Once established, a common law marriage is just as valid and binding as a formal church wedding.

It lasts until a court grants a divorce or one partner dies. There is no such thing as a "common law divorce. What if my spouse leaves and then says we never were married? Proving intent can be very difficult. Ultimately, you only know for sure if there is a common law marriage when a judge says so. When a judge in a Court has to decide whether you were married, he or she will weigh many factors to decide intent to marry. These include: Did you two live together? Because no marriage certificate exists to show that such a union exists, each state has an elemental test that must be met to prove a common law marriage is valid.

Proving a Common Law Marriage

Although each state defines and sets out these elements differently, there are commonalities that exist:. Some jurisdictions may place additional requirements on a couple claiming a common law marriage, so always check the law in your state. There are only a few jurisdictions left that fully recognize common law marriages as legal, with some only doing so for inheritance purposes. In addition, other states that formerly did recognize such marriages now no longer do so unless the union can be traced back to before the statutory cutoff date.

New Hampshire only recognizes common law marriages for inheritance purposes. In addition, these states only recognize such unions if they can be traced to before the statutory cutoff date. Evidence will be needed to prove that the union started prior to these dates. In , South Carolina announced they no longer recognized common law marriages.

What if you begin a common law marriage in a state that allows it but then move to a state that does not? Will the other state still recognize the marriage? In short, yes. The Full Faith and Credit clause of the constitution dictates that each state has to respect the "public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state.

This applies to marriages and common law marriages, and therefore the dissolution of these marriages. So if a couple can show a valid common law marriage established in Texas, but then the couple moves to Arizona and decides to divorce, the Arizona courts have jurisdiction to dissolve the marriage. Because common law marriages are considered the same as a licensed marriage once formed, it must go through the same legal procedures to be dissolved. That means filing a divorce petition and all other necessary documents with the family court in your state.

The process is also the same as dissolving a formal marriage, and all the same issues will need to be addressed, like child and spousal support, visitation and custody rights, property division, and any others. To avoid paying alimony or dividing certain property, one spouse can claim that no common law marriage existed in the first place. Such acts include:. In order to prove a common law marriage the courts will mainly look to see if there is any documentation to show that that the couple referred to each other as their spouse.

This may be a signed written agreement by both parties stating that they intend to be a married couple or a signed affidavit stating that the couple is married. Additionally, the court might require a variety of supporting documents such as:.

Is Alabama a Common Marriage State? - The Hawkins Law Firm

Keep in mind that the type of evidence that the court will require varies state by state and depending on what state you are in, the court may require different forms of proof. Additionally, there may be a time limit in place for how you long you have to prove a common law marriage in order to claim certain benefits.

If your partner dies or if your relationship ends , then there is a limited window in some states to make your claim. There are many instances that proving that common law marriage exists is very important.

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These instances include inheriting property, claiming insurance or other benefits such as social security, or getting a divorce. Spouses ending a common law marriage must go through legal divorce proceedings , just like any other married couple. However, unlike a spouse in a certified marriage, a partner who is trying to get property rights or a right to financial support on the basis of a common law marriage will first have to demonstrate that the marriage was valid and there actually was a common law marriage.

I live in Alabama, and I think I'm in a common law marriage, what do I need to know?

If either party claims that there was no marriage, then the claimant party must prove with clear evidence that both partners intended to be married and a common law marriage existed. The difficulty in proving a common law marriage is the main reason why many states are no longer acknowledging common law marriage. This means while your marriage might be a valid common law marriage in your home state, if you move to another state without common law marriage, it is possible that your marriage will not be recognized.

Be sure to check the state law of your new home state, and be prepared to make necessary legal arrangements if you move. Common law marriage is a unique legal concept and if you and a partner meet the requirements in your state, it could have a significant impact on the disposition of your property.


As only a minority of states allow common law marriage and because it might be difficult to prove in certain cases, it is best to consult with an attorney to figure out your options. An experienced family law attorney will be able to tell you if you are actually common law married and will be able to inform you of the benefits and consequences that entails.

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