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You can search the archives database to find original burial, plot and administrative records for the following cemeteries:. Staff appointments and salary records can contain information about former council staff members, such as:. Part of family history research can be to discover details about family homes, dwellings and businesses.

A significant collection of archival records comes from the council regulation of building dating from the early 20th century.

A Family History Mission: Digitizing Records for Family Search by James Tanner

The records contain the names and addresses of the owners of domestic and commercial buildings, as well as the names of their builders and architects. The file series were generated by various business groups of the council and deal with issues such as property subdivision, encroachments, health and sanitation, tenders and contracts, town planning, water and electrical services. Although people are identified in these records, sometimes locating them can be time-consuming unless you know of specific issues with which they may have been involved.

In addition to names, they give details of the elector's address, and sometimes a property description and values.

Trace Your Family Tree | Dublin City Council

The records we have on health information are usually a product of an 'inspection' or 'reporting' relationship with local health authorities, or a consequence of a major health issue e. Councils have been responsible for the licencing of a variety of activities over time, including:. Records are arranged by the date the licence was issued or registered, rather than the applicant's name and details.

They include:. If your family served as a board member, councillor or even as mayor, they will appear not just as attendees of meetings in the minute books, but also in a variety of other sources and lists. Minute books of boards, councils and committees record all business discussed and decisions made in meetings.

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As such, they are key documents. Although minute books are written in a formal manner, they can provide details about individuals.

Genealogy and Family History

In the early period, they dealt with correspondence from citizens and business people about issues concerning them or services they required. There are occasional series relating to occupations and pastimes found among the local authority records. A genealogy search begins at home, experts say, noting that the first step in the process is talking with relatives about family history to make sure where, specifically, their ancestors lived and begin the process of gathering family documents.

After carrying out their research at home, those who wish to continue should visit a local register office in Slovakia, which carry registers dating back to Next comes the related regional state archive. If one needs to go further back another option is the State Archive in Bratislava where registers from the 16th to the 19th century are kept.

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Most foreigners interested in such explorations come from the United States and Israel. Genealogists say that Slovak archivists are generally able to help English-speakers, but note there is often a language barrier in some local register offices. To minimise complications, foreigners should inform the respective archive office about their visit in advance.

Sometimes archivists have a problem identifying the home country of the foreigner requesting the research if they provide only an e-mail and not a home address. Slovakia was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire when people often migrated to what are now several different countries. The Hive is the perfect place to start for anyone interested in family or local history and is free to use.

Although our resources tend to focus on Worcestershire, we have a variety of sources that cover England and Wales and even wider in some cases.

Archives for family and local history

We can also advise you how to access material for other areas. The Archive Service has a wide range of sources for anyone wanting to find out about their family history.

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These are just a few examples. Please contact us for more information.