Where can i find if a person is death

In the 21st century, certain forms of death records have become much more accessible than others. There are two types of death records: official death certificates and death indexes. This includes the:.

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The information included in these records can be more sensitive, so they are sometimes restricted by the state. The restriction expires within 50 to years, depending on the state. To obtain an official death certificate, begin by contacting the state in which the individual resided. The state may refer you to a local agency or may have possession of the certificate.

Death indexes are more readily accessible. They provide basic information about the deceased and do not include sensitive information. While there are often costs associated with obtaining death certificates, death indexes can usually be downloaded for free. Depending on the state in which the death certificate was issued, it may be possible to obtain a death certificate online.

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State agencies sometimes maintain their death records online and there are also various websites such as SearchQuarry. While these websites are convenient, the death records are not official. Illustration: Alison Seiffer. Immediately 1. If the person dies at home without hospice care, call , and have in hand a do-not-resuscitate document if it exists. Without one, paramedics will generally start emergency procedures and, except where permitted to pronounce death, take the person to an emergency room for a doctor to make the declaration. Notify close family and friends. Ask some to contact others.

Handle care of dependents and pets. Within a few days after death 7.

How Doctors Determine the Moment of Death [Excerpt]

Up to 10 days after death Contact: A trust and estates attorney, to learn how to transfer assets and assist with probate issues. Accountant or tax preparer, to find out whether an estate-tax return or final income-tax return should be filed. Bank, to find accounts and safe deposit box. Life insurance agent, to get claim forms. Social Security ; socialsecurity.

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Agency providing pension services, to stop monthly check and get claim forms. Utility companies, to change or stop service, and postal service, to stop or forward mail. Know the person's wishes For an elderly friend or relative: Know the location of the will, birth certificate, marriage and divorce certificates, Social Security information, life-insurance policies, financial documents, and keys to safe deposit box or home safe. Have the person complete an advance directive, including a living will, which specifies wanted and unwanted procedures.

Remember to look, listen, and feel for signs of breathing. If the person has a pulse, you should feel a rhythmic throbbing under your fingers. Check for inaudible blood pressure if you have a cuff and stethoscope.

How Do I Find Out for Free If Someone Is Dead? | It Still Works

Position the stethoscope inside the crook of their elbow, slightly under the edge of the cuff. Slowly release the air from the cuff and listen for the sound of a pulse as blood returns to the artery in their arm. See if the eyes are still and dilated. If you have a flashlight handy, shine it in their eyes to see if the pupils get smaller. After death, the pupils will typically stay open and enlarged even under bright light. Watch for a loss of bladder and bowel control.

When a person dies, the muscles that control their bladder and bowels relax. If the person suddenly wets or soils themselves, this may be a sign of death. Cardiac arrest means that the heart has stopped. Without a heartbeat, your organs can't get the blood and oxygen they need to function, and your body will quickly shut down.

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Yes No. Not Helpful 1 Helpful Ideally, you should wear gloves if you're handling a dead, sick, or injured person to protect yourself from disease or contamination.

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However, you may not have gloves available in an emergency situation. The most important thing is to call for help and perform CPR if you can. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 6. Everyone responds to death differently. However, crying is a very common reaction to the death of a loved one, no matter what your gender is. Not Helpful 5 Helpful Can I bring someone back to life from a car accident? My dad died in a car accident and I am trying to bring him back to life, but I don't know how. Can you help me?

Please, I need him in my life. Has the accident just happened? If he has stopped breathing, perform CPR until help arrives. If he has already been pronounced dead, I'm afraid there's nothing you can do. Sometimes some people are meant to stay and some are meant to go. Just think that when you are happy he will smile down at you.

He is still guiding you through life with his spirit, and you should always stay positive, look at the bright side of everything, and have an open mind. Try to be as happy as you can and put yourself out into the world. Not Helpful 6 Helpful I suppose there's no way to know for sure, but if you're reading and writing on WikiHow, you can be pretty sure that you're not dead. Not Helpful 17 Helpful While cyanosis, or a blue and purple coloring of the skin, can be an indicator of inadequate oxygen flow around the body, it does not necessarily mean that the person is dead.

Cyanosis is often an indicator of a critical problem, though.