Cell phone on the do not call list

How to restrict telemarketers from calling your number

You can make your request by calling or writing to our Customer Service Department. Please click on Contact Us for the toll-free number or address to request being placed on our Do Not Call list. When you make a request be sure to include your name, address and all telephone numbers you want to be included on our list.

If your information changes, please notify us of the new name, address, and telephone number s in order to remain on the Do Not Call List.

List a Number on the National Do Not Call Registry

If you would like us to remove you from our Do Not Call List so you may receive our telephone solicitations, notify us by contacting Customer Service. Please note that the Verizon Wireless Do Not Call List restricts marketing contacts from Verizon Wireless only, so you may continue to receive calls from other companies. However, since the FTC has seen a significant increase in the volume of illegal sales calls, including from companies that flat-out ignore the DNC List.

One reason for this is the rise of robocalling, a practice that is completely illegal for the purpose of sales.

How to Register for The Do Not Call List: A Step-By-Step Guide

Robocalling is permitted only by political candidates and charities. Read up on ways to stop robocalls for good.

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If you receive a sales call despite being on the National Do Not Call List, or if you ever receive a sales robocall, you should hang up immediately, recommends the FTC. In addition, the FTC encourages you to file a complaint.

State Organizations

Remember that any company offering to take you off its call list by following directions pressing buttons, speaking to a live representative, etc. Also, keep an eye out for these other phone scams.

VERIFY: Do 'do not call' lists really work?

So far, the FTC has sued hundreds of companies responsible for unwanted calls and has obtained over a billion dollars in judgments against violators. You can also register by visiting donotcall.

National Do Not Call List

The FTC urges everyone to register only their own number and to never pay anyone who claims they will register your number. You—and only you—should register your phone number with the DNC List.

If you use the Do Not Call List link , you can register up to three phone numbers at any given time. If you have more than three to register, you will have to go through the registration process again. For each number you register, you will receive an email.

If you wish to register more than three numbers, you can make another registration.