Information on the tucson youth prison experiement

You may also have more confidence in the results of a study if there is some clear mechanism that explains the findings and is constant across settings. Some results in behavioral economics , for instance, suggest that certain rules of human behavior are hardwired. But these mechanisms can be difficult to uncover. And many experiments in behavioral economics that initially seemed to reflect a hardwired rule have failed to replicate, such as finding that happiness increases patience and learning.

But, if there is a convincing reason that we might expect to see the results that a study has found, or if there is a strong theoretical reason that we might expect a specific result to generalize, that should lead us to trust the results from a single study a little more. But we should take care to examine why we think there is a convincing reason. Finally, if it appears too good to be true, it probably is.

If we take our beliefs earnestly — and there is reason to conclude that, on average, humans are fairly good at making predictions — then results that seem improbable, actually are less likely to be true.

Lessons From the Past | Psychology Today

It is far better to be aware of this than to be uninformed of the errors potentially concealed in the research. The application of the scientific method to the study of human behavior and psychology has not simplified human behavior; instead, it has suggested how complex human behavior is. Weissmark, M. Doing Psychotherapy Effectively. Mona Sue Weissmark, Ph. Back Psychology Today. Back Find a Therapist.

Rare look inside an Arizona maximum security prison

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Juvenile Corrections Officer

Here Is Another Possibility. Telling the Story Numbers Can't. Mona S Weissmark Ph. Evaluating Psychology Research Many famous psychological studies cannot be reproduced. References Weissmark,M. The Science of Diversity. About the Author. Read Next. Psychology of Scientific Integrity: Undergraduate Syllabus. Academic Procrastination And Academic Achievement. Most Popular.

A Tribute to Dr. Victoria Braithwaite and Sentient Fishes. Many of those detained have addictions or psychological illnesses for which less restrictive treatment programs were not available. Three-quarters of children entering the juvenile justice system have drug or alcohol problems, more than half have had a diagnosis of mental health problems and one-third have developmental disabilities. Yet there are only 55 psychologists and clinical social workers assigned to the prisons, according to the task force.

And none of the facilities employ psychiatrists , who have the authority to prescribe the drugs many mentally ill teenagers require. View all New York Times newsletters. Peter E. Kauffmann, a spokesman for Mr.

It's hard to know what happens behind the prison's walls.

The report contends that smaller facilities would place less strain on workers, helping reduce the use of physical force, and would be better able to tailor rehabilitation programs. New York is not unique in using its juvenile prisons to house mentally ill teenagers, particularly as many states confront huge budget shortfalls that have resulted in significant cuts to mental health programs.

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Still, some states are trying to shift to smaller, community-based programs. State records show a significant spike in on-the-job injuries, for which some workers blame Ms.

Prisoners in Hawaii Are Being Sent to Die in Private Prisons in Arizona

Madarasz, a spokesman for the Civil Service Employees Association, the union that represents prison workers. Advocates have credited Ms. Eliot Spitzer , with instituting significant reforms, including installing cameras in some of the more troubled prisons and providing more counseling. But the state has a long way to go, many advocates say. Tell us what you think. Please upgrade your browser. See next articles. Newsletter Sign Up Continue reading the main story Please verify you're not a robot by clicking the box. Invalid email address.

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