Michigan divorce law out-of-state custody

We tell clients that they shou Read More.

We are Read More. Carlo J. Martina, P.

Free Consultation. Martina Peter G. Family Law Updates Divorce Terminology. There are essentially two ways to get court approval: Get the other parent to agree to the move, which usually results in court approval — but not always; or File a motion with the court and demonstrate that the move benefits you and the child and will justify modifications to the parenting plan.

Interstate Child Custody Lawyers | MI Family Law Center

How well has each parent complied with the parenting plan and utilized their time with the child, and is the move inspired by a desire to defeat or frustrate the parenting schedule? To what extent is the non-moving parent objecting to the move based on a desire to avoid having to pay additional child support? Free Initial Consultation Our office always offer a free consultation. We will listen to you, explain your options, and move forward when you are ready.

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Phone Email. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Blog Categories 13 Divorce Terminology. Connect With Us:. The other is by mutual agreement of the parents.

The Twelve Factors of Child Custody in Michigan

The husband argued that there was no order, and there was no mutual agreement for relocation. The agreement he completed with the mother was simply one setting up a timesharing schedule, rather than one assenting to moving the child to Michigan, he argued.

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If the husband actually desired not to have the child go to Michigan, he should not have accepted this agreement. The court found that the terms of the agreement demonstrated a clear intent for the child to follow the mother to Michigan. The agreement stated that the child would remain in the custody of the mother, who resided in Michigan.

Types of Child Custody

It also acknowledged that the child might possibly attend school in Michigan. It further stated that, in order to exercise his timesharing, the father was obliged to pick up the child in, and return him to, Michigan. To make sure that you are doing everything possible to protect yourself and your family in any custody and timesharing case, reach out to the experienced South Florida child relocation attorneys at Sandy T.

Fox, P.

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Our attorneys have been helping our clients and their families with the full range of family law cases for many years. Contact our attorneys online or by calling to schedule your confidential consultation. Contact Us Now: Fort Lauderdale Divorce Lawyer Blog.