Criminal records search background check

Our company provides criminal background check solutions to help you uncover relevant criminal records, sex offenses and professional or financial sanctions quickly and as part of your employment background or resident screening. We provide background screening services which confirm or verify immigration status as well as checking professional and educational backgrounds of applicants efficiently.

International Criminal Background Check

As the largest background screening provider in the world, we have one of the highest verification rates in the industry. Our employee background screening services confirm vital professional qualifications. We contact the associated state government, granting source or issuing agency directly to check the status, sanctions, restrictions and expiration date of any license or credential that the candidate has listed.

Whether they work directly with your organization or come to you through a third party, they become the face of your organization to consumers and other businesses, often working alongside your employees.

Knowing your contingent workforce is just as qualified as your employees can protect the integrity of your business. Minimize risk and potentially negative media exposure by thoroughly vetting those you would entrust with your business at the highest levels.

Why choose Criminal Background Checks?

Our Executive Advantage background screening product:. Social media searches can provide a good deal of job-related information to help you make smarter hiring and management decisions, as well as helping you understand whether a candidate or employee will extend or detract from your mission and values as an organization.

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Our partner, Fama, uses artificial intelligence and customizable search criteria to comb through publicly available social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, along with a comprehensive news and web search to provide a more complete view of who a person really is.

Criminal Records Watch enables companies to better protect their brands, workplaces and relationships from risk by providing alerts to employers whenever an employee or contractor has a reportable criminal records history after they begin working for the employer. This gives employers the opportunity to initiate intervention or adverse action, without waiting for a periodically scheduled re-screen. A search of the National Criminal Database without county-level searches would be inadequate -- information found during the National Criminal Database Check is often not up-to-date or complete and is only used for pointer purposes.

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  6. A county-level check would always be required to obtain complete and accurate information. For more information, see our article on National Criminal Database Checks. What it is : A search of criminal records in Federal jurisdictions. Unlike these other records, federal criminal records are only accessible through a specific federal criminal check.

    How to Lookup Court Records Online

    For more information, see our article on Federal Criminal Checks. A State Criminal Check use statewide databases to discover criminal records. Many companies use State Checks to uncover additional records outside of the counties where the candidate has lived. Not all counties report into state databases, and each state database functions differently. A Limited Criminal History report contains only felonies and misdemeanor arrests within the State of Indiana.

    Criminal Background Checks

    A Limited Criminal History search is based upon a subject's name, date of birth, race, and gender, and if needed, Social Security Number and place of birth. This report does not include criminal history information from other states. Consider using the fingerprint based National Full Criminal History to obtain the most complete criminal history. Recently, we updated and improved the Limited Criminal History check system. It now includes additional data fields to provide more conclusive and accurate results.

    There are additional changes that will not be noticed by the user, however all will greatly improve the overall LCH process.

    Five Critical Steps of Criminal Record Check Compliance

    The results that you get from this updated system will be the following:. As a reminder, the Limited Criminal History product is name and date of birth check of Indiana only records. For a more complete criminal history record it is recommended that a full national fingerprint-based background check be conducted.

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