Where to find cars in gta san andreas

The game at this point was over a year old. But I was still spending hours every week playing it. It was during one of these sessions that I experienced a strange and spooky encounter with an old car in the woods. I was out in the southern area of the map, where it is heavily filled with trees, rocks and not much else.

Suddenly, a car rolled down a hill.

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It was old, beat up, and its red paint job stood out in the dark forest. I ran up to the car, only to find it was empty. Not long after the game was released, players began reporting strange cars they found in the woods.

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These cars would drive down hills as if they had human drivers on the inside. But when examined, the cars were empty. If you run around the woods of GTA San Andreas for long enough you will probably encounter a ghost car. After my first encounter with a ghost car, I began looking online for information about the cars.

I quickly found now-long lost posts about the ghostly cars from other fans.

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Some were telling the truth, telling tales that sounded like my creepy encounter. Other fans seemed to be making stuff up.

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Another player said they saw a ghost car and while leaving they ran into a UFO. While this stuff might sound crazy today, 15 years ago it sounded a lot more plausible. GTA San Andreas seemed impossibly big at the time and it was still a new game. I remember reading these stories and thinking to myself that some of this could be true. At the time the game felt like a puzzle box that nobody had cracked yet. I, like many other players at the time, spent hours searching the woods and deserts of San Andreas for secrets and creepy creatures. I remember spending way too much time in the foggy woods using my jetpack to coast around, looking for the elusive Bigfoot.

But before we knew all the answers, San Andreas felt like the real world. Back then, it really did feel as though maybe aliens and other strange things could be lurking in the digital world of the game. And when we found ghost cars and could regularly spot them, it almost felt like a confirmation that anything could be in the game. But in the game there is an house, which is blue in color I mean the house icon that is blue and keeps telling me that this house cannot be purchased right now.

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How can I get that house to be green? Its a car garage I guess and its infront of the home that's in Dowerty the construction thing area, remember? I am sure there might be a way or a mission by which we can enable that, but I cannot figure it out, I killed Smoke in the last mission but still that house was Blue. Jethro will call, and tell you the place has gone on sale.

After purchasing it, you will receive missions from Caesar to 'stock up' the showroom. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered.

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Ask Question. Asked 6 years ago. Active 4 years, 1 month ago. Viewed 43k times. Can you be more specific? You will have no wanted level and no cops will chase you. You can explore the entire map freely without taking risk. This is the best time to confirm vehicle and item locations and to collect the snapshots, oysters and horseshoes. For free and fast car repair, park your car in one of your garages, back away to let the door close, then step torwards the garage so the door opens again.

The car will be instantly repaired of all dents, etc.

Vehicles in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas | GTA Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia

This is especially useful if you have an expensive modded car that you want to keep for certain ingame stats. Instead of having to wait for the NOS to recharge to use again, exit then enter the car, and you can use the NOS again. During Woozie's mission "Amphibian Assault", the wanted level system is disabled. You can now travel everywhere in the game including the restricted areas like the Eastern naval base and all police stations without the cops chasing you. This is time to collect the two oysters in the extremely dangerous naval base without being shot.

Then go to the data directory. To edit the vehicle stats, open the handling.

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As you can see, all the info on every vehicle in in there. Follow the instructions in the comments to find out how to edit it. Basically, you can edit anything in the game from these files. Just be careful what you edit and leave them as sane values to prevent glitches.

GTA: San Andreas Rare Cars

Go to a strip club and stand in front of a stripper when the people watching them gives them money CJ will take it instead since you are where they put the money. This works in the same way as the previous games. Normally you can only save one car in your garage, but with this you can save two or more! All you have to do is get your two or however many cars and bring them up to your garage. Drive one of them until the garage door opens, and then drive it half way in and get out of the car. This will keep the door open for you.