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Do Nonprofits need an EIN? How and where to get an EIN?

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How to Obtain (c)(3) Tax-Exempt Status for Your Nonprofit | Nolo
Sorry that this was not useful to you! Apply for an EIN. Every nonprofit seeking tax-exempt status must have an Employer Identification Number regardless of whether it has employees. Provide a detailed business purpose. The IRS will consider this information as it reviews your application for tax-exempt status. File Form with the IRS.
Responsible Party Information
Most nonprofit corporations apply for tax-exempt status under Sec. To apply for c 3 tax-exempt status file Form Form is around 30 pages long without the schedules and attachments. Be sure to file the most recent version of the form — which was revised last in December The IRS estimates preparation time of over hours for completion, and IRS approval can take anywhere from a few months to around a year, depending on the number of written follow-up questions the IRS has and how quickly you provide answers.
Smaller nonprofits may be eligible to file Form EZ.
Becoming a non-profit
This form must be filed electronically. Nonprofits seeking tax-exempt status under a section of the Internal Revenue Code other than c 3 file different forms. Pay the necessary filing fees. When to file.
Form a Nonprofit
Most nonprofits file this application by the end of the 27th month after incorporation. By doing so they will be recognized as tax-exempt from the date of creation.
A nonprofit that files after the 27th-month deadline will be recognized as tax-exempt from the date of the application. United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Need to research a federal copyright registration or have a desire to register? United States Copyright Office. Skip to main content. Home Business Nonprofit Services.