How to find someone in mafia wars

The faster you gain Experience the quicker you can level up.

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To fight people you need Stamina. Stamina is probably the second most important stat to level up, at least in the beginning. While most jobs require several Energy to complete, you only need 1 Stamina to fight somebody. After you use up all of your Energy and are waiting for it to refill you may as well fight to gain Exp. You can also find some cool items and weapons this way. Just like in real life, when fighting, it is easiest to fight somebody way weaker than you.

After all, you are using a Stamina to fight, so why risk losing? The easiest way to accomplish this is to fight someone whose mafia size is half that of yours.

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For example, my mafia size is currently 48, so I stick to fighting people with a mafia size of 20 or less. Keeping your on-hand cash to a minimum helps keep robbery to a minimum.

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If you want to put the above advice into motion effectively and mostly automatically then you can check out userscripts. Note: In order to use scripts from userscripts. Greasemonkey is an add-on for Firefox and can be found here. On the Settings screen there are a lot of options for you to toy around with. Here are some tips for optimizing your settings:. Check the box to enable auto-stat.

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The way I use it is whatever I want to upgrade like Energy I set that field to a number other than zero e. This will make the MWAP use skill points automatically to upgrade the areas you choose. You can play around with the ratios to get everything perfect if you like, but I find this method easiest because I generally change the settings manually every day or so anyway.

Most of the time I just leave it on Energy. MWAP will use your Energy to do jobs in the selected tier. I like to set my tier to one that is higher than what I am currently working on.

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The jobs in the upper tiers give you more Exp upon completion, allowing you to level up more quickly. In my case I have 48 mafia so I set the box to It is very important that you check for updates to MWAP frequently as there is usually at least one update every day. If you fail to update the script, chances are it will not work after a little while. Use these tips and you will achieve your goals in the game. Did I forget to mention any great tips, tricks, or cheats? If you have any awesome secrets to share, along with your thoughts, ideas, praises, etc.

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