Penalties for dui dwai in colorado

In other words, there is no instance in which anyone in Colorado should be driving while impaired by any type of substance — alcohol or otherwise. Regardless of the term applied for driving drunk or impaired, the consequences for doing so are serious. In a phrase, getting a DUI or DWI in Colorado means a drastic change in the way you live your life, in both direct and indirect consequences.

In some jurisdictions, drivers can be charged with impaired driving or driving under the influence even if they do not meet the blood alcohol concentration levels for legal intoxication. No matter what the offense is called — DUI or DWI — if you are arrested for drunk driving , driving under the influence, or driving while intoxicated you will be facing serious consequences. The indirect consequences for a DUI or DWI have to do with the impact on your personal life, your relationships, and your physical and mental health. Of course, these are not the only consequences.

The direct consequences include legal action, as outlined below.

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Both charges should be taken extremely seriously. The specifics of these consequences in Colorado are discussed below. More specifically, the department website lists the legal repercussions of the first offense for all three areas:. The figure is based on the minimum fine. It is easy to see that drinking and driving is not worth any cost.

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The legal repercussions of getting a DUI or DWI in Colorado can therefore be split into three areas: administrative penalties, criminal penalties, and financial penalties. Administrative penalties include things like a lost license, criminal penalties include fines and community service, and financial penalties stem from both of these areas. This is because getting a DUI is often associated with having a larger problem with alcohol or other substances — this is why getting a DUI assessment, attending alcohol education, and considering alcohol rehab or addiction treatment is so important.

In order to determine which courses or treatment options that you will be required to attend, the court often use alcohol evaluations. In simple terms, an assessment is exactly what it sounds like: it gives addiction counselors, an alcohol therapist or an alcohol treatment center to evaluate how serious of a problem with drinking or with substance abuse that an individual has.

Colorado's DUI Guide | CO DWAI Offenses, Penalties, Laws and Information | Denver

This allows the court to better define which courses are necessary i. The idea is to receive this assessment from an external, neutral source so that the focus is on getting the individual the help that they need to either recover, or at the very least to avoid a DUI or DWI in the future. According to the Colorado official state website, alcohol education and evaluation are often the legal response in addition to the administrative and criminal measures already outlined above:.

There are also circumstances in which the court may not order you to take alcohol classes, but Colorado law will require these classes as a condition of driver license reinstatement. You must have an evaluation done by an alcohol treatment center or alcohol therapist in the state where you reside. You cannot reinstate with the State of Colorado until you provide documentation that you have met the requirements of the center or therapist. However, it is also important to note here that this is meant to be more of a rehabilitative than a punitive measure for individuals convicted of a DUI or DWI.

The idea is to not only communicate how dangers driving under the influence can be, but also to address the underlying drinking or substance abuse problems that lead to the DUI in the first place. This is where treatment comes in. Being convicted of a DUI or a DWI in Colorado is one of the major signs that you need the help that addiction treatment or alcohol rehab can offer you. Getting an alcohol assessment in the wake of a DUI is just the start. Instead of stopping short with the alcohol education or classes ordered by the court as a result of the conviction, it is important to consider additional alcohol rehab or drug addiction treatment after you have faced the wake up call of a DUI or DWI — no matter where it happened.

However, if other signs of alcoholism or addiction are present it may be time to consider entering a rehab or treatment program.

Colorado DUI Laws, Fines, and Consequences

This treatment can take a variety of forms. For instance, inpatient alcohol rehab centers require individuals to stay within the facility for a period of at least two weeks. During these programs, participants engage in group support meetings, one-on-one counseling, and have a safe space to detox from the effects of drugs or alcohol.

These include:. Getting Arrested in Colorado If you are pulled over on suspicion of drinking and driving, typically the following procedure is put into place: You will be asked to take a breathalyzer test. Keep in mind that refusal to take the test will result in the confiscation and possible revocation of your drivers license. Your car will be impounded. You will be taken to jail.

Effective Legal Guidance For Families And Businesses

Specific Colorado Drinking and Driving Laws Colorado has a few laws pertaining to driving under the influence that are unique to the state. Zero Tolerance Law : This rule applies to drivers who are under the legal drinking age. If you are under 21 and are found to have a BAC between 0.