How to find my site id

Option 3: If you do not have access to a server log file, or the server log file does not contain the site number, contact the SAS Installation Representative at your site or contact SAS Technical Support. Option 3: If you do not have access to a server log file, or the server log file does not contain the site number, contact SAS Installation Representative at your site or contact SAS Technical Support. Options 1 and 2 below apply to many solutions.

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Alternatives are listed after that for their respective solutions. Note: Before you can access the monitor, you must have an active CAS server session. If you already have a CAS server session, skip to step 3. Otherwise, perform the following steps:. For more information, see the curl man page, which is available at man. Execute the dset utility as described in Appendix A of the installation instructions. The syntax for the default filename is as follows:.

Have additional questions about licenses, invoices or licensing terms? SAS Technical Support. SAS is installed but you cannot launch it.

Getting the Client ID from the cookie

You are installing SAS. Click the Siteinfo button to display the Siteinfo dialog box. The dialog box contains your site number. NOTE: Unable to initialize the options subsystem. Option 2 Browse your license file. The default location for the! Option 1 for SAS 9. The site number follows the order number. Alternatively, you can open the soi.

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An information dialog box with the site number appears. Click the Log tab at the bottom of the Source Editor window. Search for Site : to locate the text string Site your-site-number. An information dialog box appears, which includes the site number.

Your site number appears in the SAS log window that is displayed. Click Licensed Products. The site number appears in this log. Click the? Click About. Your site number appears in the About information. Search for Site: to locate the string Site your-site-number.

  • How to Find WordPress Page ID and Post ID;
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  • Locating Your SAS Site Number | SAS Support.

Launch your JMP software. The site number appears in the dialog box that is displayed. In both cases you need to start by logging into a Google account not necessarily a Gmail one , accepting the Google Analytics terms of service and then creating your first web property. The last step would be to make sure your setup looks good and the data being gathered makes sense.

9 answers to this question

Once the code is on the site it automatically starts gathering data about your visitors and their actions. However, how to make sure the code is placed correctly and is gathering data as expected? If your site has just launched or is very low-trafficked, then you might not see any visits there. To check, open the homepage of the site and browse a few pages.


Then return to the real-time report and see if your actions are reflected there. The above two steps are just to verify that you have basic tracking working. One of the quickest ways to do so is to use our Google Analytics Audit Tool as it does more than 30 different types of checks on the integrity and quality of your Google Analytics data in under a minute for most websites. He is the founder of Analytics-Toolkit.