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Email advice relating to family law. Feedback Have you used our service recently? Table of contents generated from h4. This information is correct This information is correct at the time of writing Mar 19, pm. Author links open overlay panel Edward Higgs. Under a Creative Commons license. Abstract Calls for reform of the United Kingdom UK birth registration system to allow it to be more flexible regarding subsequent name changes, gender recording and to contain information about 'third parties' involved in procreation are justified and important.

Keywords births. Recommended articles Citing articles 0. In fact, the Protestant Dissenting Deputies representing Baptists, Congregationalists and Presbyterians had established a birth register of their own as early as But the legality of their records was so frequently questioned that in they took legal counsel and were advised that this was a problem that could only be resolved by Parliament.

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  • It was ten years coming, but in the nonconformist John Wilks, MP for Boston, called for the appointment of a select committee to consider the state of parochial registries. What was needed was a registry of births, not a registry of baptisms.

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    There were, he believed, no less than 8, Dissenting and Methodist chapels and meeting-houses in England and Wales For that great portion of the people, no provision, by the existing laws, supplied the means of effective and legal registration, which their security demanded. They kept, as was well known, congregational registries of baptisms and burials, and also a registry of births; but these registries were not public records, and extracts from them could not be received in evidence.

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    Wilks was clear: without an all-embracing and tamper-proof system of birth registration, identity, age, lines of descent and property rights could not be established. The time had come for civil registration. The Act for the Registering of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in England resulted in a tiered organisation of local registrars working under superintendent registrars, who in turn were answerable to the Registrar General in London.

    Certainly, he had an incentive 2s 6d for the first 20 births and deaths collected each year, 1s for each entry thereafter. He even had help in the form of printed notices outside churches and chapels urging participation in registration.

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    But this was a largely illiterate population and there was bound to be confusion in the early days. On the one hand we find an increase in the number of baptisms just before the introduction of civil registration, suggesting that people thought baptism was equivalent to registering a birth. On the other hand, we have a plethora of pamphlets with names like The Church Register not superseded by the New Register , Registration is not Baptism and A Few Plain Remarks on the Registration of Births and on the Impropriety of Naming Children before Baptism , all of which suggest that the Anglican clergy felt a need to stress the distinction between religious rite and civil record.

    And finally we find several clear and tragic instances of a line being drawn in the sand.