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Click Actions to change the sort order. When you are reading a message from someone you can click the sender name , and a dialogue box will open allowing you to add the sender to your contacts. If you click add to contacts then you can edit the contact details before saving the new contact.

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When you send a message to someone new they will automatically appear in your contacts. However you may want to manually edit the entry as the recipient name is set to the email address. For other providers you will need to export the contacts to a. To edit a contact then select the contact and click the edit details link screen shot below.

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You can add telephone numbers, birthdays, web site addresses and more details but the minimum you need is the first name and email address. If you click on the deleted contacts link directly under the ALL contacts link you will see all of the contacts that are waiting to be permanently deleted.

If you click the check box you will get more more options in the menu. You will have the option of restoring the contact or permanently deleting it. Click delete permanently and then confirm to delete it, or restore to add it back to your contacts list.

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If you have lots of contacts you can use the search contacts feature to find the one you want. A contact lists or distribution list as they are called in some email systems allow you to easily send email to a group of people. To create a new list open your contacts, and you should see a very faint link to create a new list in the left column see screen shot.

Click new list and edit the text with the name of your new list.

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  • How to Add Contacts Automatically in Yahoo Mail.

When created you can assign contacts to the list by clicking the check boxes next to the contacts, and then click assign to add them to the list. Here is a good video from Yahoo which shows you how to create the contact list and send email to it.

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Add a Sender or Recipient to Your Yahoo Mail Contacts

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