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GTA IV - STEVIE'S CAR THEFTS [100% Walkthrough]

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Stevie's Car Thefts

Jake Green Senior Guides Writer Jake is a former freelance writer who is still very much new to all of this. Planet Zoo Animals List Planet Zoo features a wide array of animals to look after as part of your very own zoo. See more. Newsletter Subscribe to our weekly newsletters Get the best of USG in your inbox by subscribing to our newsletters.

Sign in Username. Longer-Than-Life Sentence : After she's arrested and judged, Elizabeta Torres is sentenced to years of imprisonment for thirty charges ten years each of cocaine distribution. Lampshaded by her voicemail, where she says she can't answer to the messages before the end of her prison sentence, and also by The Liberty Tree which mentions such sentence as a record for the Liberty City crime society.

MacGuffin : A bag of diamonds and a large load of heroin drive much of the plot of all three games. Made of Iron : Due to the more accurate physics of the game, Niko's ability to walk away from some things is pretty remarkable like being hurled through the windshield in a crash, with the only thing stopping him being wrapped around the post of a gas station awning. Mad Libs Dialogue : The police scanner constructs sentences from single words, but also has complete pre-scripted speech. Gaps between words are easily dismissed due to nature of radio. There is also a variety of phrases to make chatter sound less mechanical and plenty of sentences not used for the player, such as running a red light.

The Mafia : They show up later in the game, and unlike their depiction in the III ' era are depicted as weak and racked by infighting. Ultimately, Dimitri plays them for fools. Eventually, Dimitri has Niko kill Mikhail and wastes no time taking his place. Manly Gay : Brucie. Even though he'll never admit it.

Is that what "genetically different" means? Meaningful Name : Dimitri Rascalov. With a name like that, is it any surprise he stabs you in the back? Especially since it seems to be a nod to Raskolnikov. Niko Bellic, "Niko" means "no-one" or something close in many Balkan dialects, while "Bellic-" is a Latin stem for things related to war ; i. Meganekko : Mallorie, full stop. Mighty Glacier : The game and its expansions give you some slow, but very combat-capable vehicles to play with.

Its top speed is 69 kph and getting anywhere with it takes quite a bit of patience, but its nigh-impregnable armor and automatic cannon more than make up for these drawbacks. Among the bikes, most of the American choppers like the Freeway and the Zombie in particular fill this role, as they trade speed and acceleration for handling and weight, which allows the player to keep mounted in collisions.

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Moe Greene Special : A couple of characters go down this way. One is lampshaded by a back-alley organ dealer, who complains about it since eyes can fetch a good price Mood Whiplash : Niko Bellic is the most serious and tragic character in the series so far. At the same time the game is still full of juvenile humor which can be considered out-of-place for a Cosmic Horror Story. Niko reminiscing about the horrors of war in the Balkans doesn't go well with there being an internet cafe named TW around the corner.

The mood juxtaposition is even more notable at the end of the final cutscene for a game about the Cosmic Horror emptiness of the idea about The American Dream and of revenge with the camera panning up the backside of the Statue of Happiness facing towards Liberty City, which wouldn't be so funny if the statue wasn't holding up a steaming hot beverage that represented all the amusing controversy the series has stirred up. Morton's Fork : The deal with Dimitri. Take the deal, and Kate leaves you and Roman gets killed.

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Instead opt to kill Dimitri, and Kate gets killed in a drive-by. You're screwed either way, and true to the game's Darker and Edgier tone, that's the way it has to be. Mugging the Monster : Serial Killer Eddie Low, the terror of Liberty City body count: a dozen or so attacks Niko Bellic, freelancer "problem solver" body count: a couple hundred at minimum. This action results in Eddie's swift death.

Sometimes used if you crash into a random civilian's car, and they're stupid enough to run to your car, pull you out, and then attack you. Shooting at them will usually cause them to flee, but some civilians may be armed and will fire back at you. Of course, they're still no match for you. My Car Hates Me : if you damage your car's engine enough it'll stall and become hard to start eventually impossible , causing Niko to implore it to start in increasingly frustrated tones.

Mythology Gag : At one point, Vlad greets Niko by doing the gun-finger gesture and going "Bang, you are dead! No Celebrities Were Harmed : Gubernatorial candidate Michael Graves is a fairly obvious Expy of Fred Thompson - the line about his "many bit parts on television shows" is a dead giveaway. Tom Goldberg, the lawyer Francis McReary orders Niko to assassinate is roughly based off Jack Thompson, a lawyer and anti-violent video game activist.

Goldberg even says Thompson's famous quote: "Guns don't kill people, video games do. The Statue of Happiness 's face bears a striking to Hillary Clinton , ironically as instead of a torch the statue is holding up a steaming hot beverage meant to reference a particular controversy of the GTA series which Hillary was an activist against. No Fair Cheating : Attempting to prematurely access a part of the game you're not supposed to go to earns the player a 6-star wanted level, which brings the worst that NOOSE and FIB can send at you out when you trigger it.

No Indoor Voice : Brucie. If he yelled while speaking personally, that might not've been much of a problem, but he yells even while on the phone with you. No Party Given : Despite the game's extensive mockery of the American Political System , the word "Democrat" is never used, and the only use of "Republican" is in the title of the show Republican Space Rangers.

- Stevie's Text Message Cars - Grand Theft Auto 4 Guide

The word "Democrat" is actually used once in game, though it's kind of out of the way. If you search for the site whattheydonotwantyoutoknow. Under the comments for the health, one states something to the effect of "The health was hidden by the Republicans for when the Democrats give everyone free health care.

Early in the game? Though that was per person. Darko 's physical appearance also resembles that of Niko. It's actually quite creepy. Niko essentially says this to Dwayne when they first meet, telling him "You remind me of me. Niko seems to take pity on him instead, and later on befriends him, more or less.