Find out who an ip address is

Whenever you visit any website like Google or Facebook, they check your IP address to find out where you as a visitor originates from in the world map. IP Address is a decimal number with 4 decimals in between the numbers. The number set starts from 0 and goes on till Every set contains any number between 0 and The IP address we just mentioned is an IP used in local area network only.

The public IP address differs from local IP address ranges. An IP Address is that necessary thing about the internet which you definitely should know if you are a regular internet user. Being an internet user, you must have an IP Address to surf the internet. Surfing the internet means to browse websites, upload and download files over the internet, or send or receive emails. IP Addresses are assigned to the computers, and whenever you connect to a different network connection, it can change. Every single internet connection has a unique IP address if it's not shared among different users by your internet service provider — the IP address of your computer or mobile device changes whenever you switch to some other internet connection.

For example, if you go outside and connect to some coffee shop's wifi, your device is assigned a new IP which differs from your home internet IP.

What is an IP address?

Your IP Address is known to every website or every email recipient with whom you interact. Once you browse any website and a request initiates from your computer to the browsed website, they know your IP address and also knows your IP address location if they know how to find it out. Likewise, if you send an email to somebody, the email recipient knows which IP was used to send them the email, and the sender IP can be found out by following a technical procedure which not everyone can efficiently perform.

For this purpose, we have created a tool for tracing an email which you can use to find sender IP. You have to copy the email source, and that's it. Your Internet service provider knows your name and physical address and can find out your internet activity, which sites you browse and what files you have downloaded. Moreover, the ISP never reveals your personal information and data to anybody. Because ISPs maintain the privacy of their users. Your personal information, e.

IP Address Information

You can check IP Address Location by clicking here. Your Internet protocol address reveals your geolocation on the map easily. It is done by firstly finding latitude and longitude of your IP address and then pinpointing it on map.

How to find the IP address of your computer and router

Find IP Address of your website. Sign up for a Site24x7 Free Account to monitor up to 5 websites for free continuously and be alerted when it goes down!

Every IP address is registered to an owner

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What's My IP Address? | Online Privacy and Security Tool

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