South carolina legal name change marriage

The family court judge then issues an order allowing the wife to resume her maiden name, and then she takes the order to the Social Security Office to make it official.

The spouse then needs to contact the DMV and all other relevant entities to notify them of the name change. There really is no difference in cost to the client to add this request to their divorce case. If an adult wants to change his or her name besides resuming a maiden name , there is a statutory procedure that must be followed.

Also, the following things must be attached to the petition:. In many cases, we can have the name change granted without a hearing, but sometimes the judge may require a hearing before granting the name change. The judge will consider the true interest of the person and the protection of the public before deciding whether to grant the name change. You must show your birth certificate or passport as proof of citizenship.

How to Change your Name in SC

Name changes cannot be done online or through the mail. You must go to your local DMV to have your name changed. Once you have a Social Security card and a photo ID, you should be able to easily change your name elsewhere, such as on credit cards or bank accounts, or at your place of work. Method 2. Decide what name you want to use. Both spouses may change their names, but whatever name you choose you must use consistently. Take your marriage decree to the Social Security office nearest you to change your name on your Social Security card.

After your application is received, the SSA will mail your new card to you. Once your photo ID and your Social Security card reflect your new name, you should have no difficulty changing your name on your credit cards, bank accounts and other accounts or memberships. Method 3. Indicate on your divorce petition that you want to return to your previous name.

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You want to include a clause in your divorce petition that you intend to return to a previous name you had before the marriage. This option is only available if you changed your name because you got married.

Marriage License FAQs

Testify at the hearing that you want to return to your previous name. Take your divorce decree to the Social Security office nearest you to change your name on your Social Security card. After you submit the application to the SSA office, your new card will be mailed to you. You will have to appear in person at your local DMV office and pay the required fees to get your driving records changed.

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Method 4. Make sure you are the legal parent of the child. The other parent must be named as a party in the action. If there is not another living parent, the child must be named as a party in the action. File the petition in the family court with jurisdiction over the county where you live. Since you are the petitioner in the action, the appropriate court to hear your case is the one with jurisdiction over the area where you live. Have a guardian ad litem appointed for the child.

Even if both parents agree on the name change, South Carolina law requires the court to appoint a guardian ad litem to represent the best interests of the child at the name change hearing. Attend the hearing. The judge will review the petition and hear testimony from the parents and the guardian ad litem to discern whether it is in the best interests of the child to grant the petition.

If after marriage, the wife wants to resume her maiden name, she must petition the Superior Court in the county where she resides for a legal change of name.

Name change - Wikipedia

In divorce, a wife can petition the divorce court to allow her to resume her maiden name. Such a petition is always granted and becomes part of the divorce decree. If a woman does not resume her maiden name at the time of her divorce, but at some later time decides she would like to resume her maiden name, then she must petition Superior Court for a legal change of name. You can contact the Clerk of Superior Court in your county for the necessary forms. Upon marriage, a couple may also assume a combined or hyphenated name that includes both their last names.

The bride may do this at the time of her marriage without any special legal proceedings.

Marriage Immigration & Name Changes

The husband must, however, petition the court for a legal name change to assume a combined or hyphenated name. If you or your spouse do decide to change your name upon marriage, you are advised to update all your official records. Government agencies such as the Social Security Administration or the Department of Motor Vehicles should be informed of your name change. Private institutions such as your bank and insurance company should also be informed. A child born to a couple who are not married is born out-of-wedlock and deemed illegitimate under North Carolina state law.

If the parents of the out-of-wedlock child later marry, the child becomes legitimate. A new birth certificate for the child will be issued by the Registrar of Vital Statistics. Comments This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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This iframe contains the logic required to handle Ajax powered Gravity Forms. October 17th, When parents separate, child custody and visitation pose difficult and emotional questions. While parents often can reach an agreement on these critical issues, a court makes the necessary decisions when the parents cannot.