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Enter a friendly URL of a page that will be used to create new accounts whenever the user clicks the "create account" link in the login portlet. This allows providing custom portlets to create accounts. By default, the portal's create account will be used. Set this to true if strangers can create accounts with email addresses that match the company mail suffix.

This property is not used unless "company. Set this to true to allow site administrators to use their own logo instead of the enterprise logo. Set this to true to always autogenerate user screen names even if the user gives a specific user screen name. If this is set to true, the LDAP importer will fetch users by their email address even if the property "company. Input a class name that implements com. This class will be called to generate user screen names. This class will be called to validate user screen names.

Set this to false if you want to be able to create users without an email address. An email address will be automatically assigned to a user based on the property "users. Set the suffix of the email address that will be automatically generated for a user that does not have an email address. This property is not used unless the property "users. The autogenerated email address will be the user id plus the specified suffix. This class will be called to generate an email address for a user that does not specify an email address. This class will only be used if the property "users.

This class will be called to validate user email addresses. This class will be called to generate a full name from the user's first, middle and last names. This class will be called to validate user first, middle and last names. Set the maximum file size for user portraits. A value of 0 for the maximum file size can be used to indicate unlimited file size.

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However, the maximum file size allowed is set in the property "com. Set the maximum user portrait height and width in pixels. A value of 0 indicates no restrictions on user portrait dimensions. Input a list of sections that will be included as part of the user form when updating a user in the My Account portlet. Set this to true to search users from the index. Set this to false to search users from the database.

Note that setting this to false will disable the ability to search users based on Expando attributes. This setting is not used unless the property "users. Set a property with the prefix "users. Input a list of user attributes that will be included when exporting users to a CSV file.

You can include custom fields by adding the prefix "expando:" to the attribute name. Set the friendly URL to a user's profile page. If none is specified, the portal will query the user's first public page at runtime. Input a list of comma delimited system group names that will exist in addition to the standard system groups.

When the server starts, the portal checks to ensure all system groups exist. Any missing system group will be created by the portal. Input a list of comma delimited system role names that will exist in addition to the standard system roles. When the server starts, the portal checks to ensure all system roles exist. Any missing system role will be created by the portal. These roles cannot be removed or renamed.

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Input a list of comma delimited system organization role names that will exist in addition to the standard system organization roles. When the server starts, the portal checks to ensure all system organization roles exist. Any missing system organization role will be created by the portal. Input a list of comma delimited system site role names that will exist in addition to the standard system site roles. When the server starts, the portal checks to ensure all system site roles exist.

Any missing system site role will be created by the portal. Omniadmin users can administer the portal's core functionality: gc, shutdown, etc. Omniadmin users must belong to the default company. Multiple portal instances might be deployed on one application server, and not all of the administrators should have access to this core functionality. Input the ids of users who are omniadmin users. Leave this field blank if users who belong to the right company and have the Administrator role are allowed to administer the portal's core functionality.

Specify the group id and the article id of the Journal article that will be displayed as the terms of use. The default text will be used if no Journal article is specified. Specify subtypes of roles if you want to be able to search for roles using your custom criteria. Set this to true when you want the validation to allow for creation of roles with numeric names. Input a list of sections that will be included as part of the organization form when adding an organization.

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Input a list of sections that will be included as part of the organization form when updating an organization. Set this property to false if you want any administrator of an organization to be able to assign any user to that organization. By default, he will only be able to assign the users of the organizations and suborganizations that he can manage. Set this property to true if you want users to only be members of the organizations to which they are assigned explicitly.

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By default they will also become implicit members of the ancestors of those organizations. Set this to true to search organizations from the index. Set this to false to search organizations from the database. Note that setting this to false will disable the ability to search organizations based on Expando attributes. This setting is not used unless the property "organizations. Set this to true when you want the validation to allow for creation of user groups with numeric names.

Set this to true to enable the legacy behavior of copying user group pages to user personal sites. This behavior is deprecated and is likely to be removed and replaced with a different scheme in future releases. Specify the available locales. Use a comma to separate each entry. If there is more than one locale for the same language, the first one in the list will be used when a translation is requested in another locale of the same language but a translated value cannot be found.

Specify the locales that are in beta. Set this to true if unauthenticated users get their preferred language from the Accept-Language header. Set this to false if unauthenticated users get their preferred language from their company. Set this to 0 if the locale is not automatically prepended to a URL. This means that each URL could potentially point to many different languages. Set this to 1 if the locale is automatically prepended to a URL when the requested locale is not the default locale. This means that each URL points to just one language.

The default language is set in system. Set this to 2 if the locale is automatically prepended to every URL. Note that each language requires an entry in the property "locales" and a servlet mapping in web. Set this to true to disable language translations.

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When a translation is requested for the key "first-name", instead of returning "First Name" in English or in its relevant locale , it will return "first-name". Specify the available time zones. The specified ids must match those from the class java.

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Set this to true if you want a change in the theme selection of the public or private group to automatically be applied to the other i. Portlets that have been configured to use private request attributes in liferay-portlet. This property allows you to configure which request attributes will be shared. Set a comma delimited list of attribute names that will be shared when the attribute name starts with one of the specified attribute names.

Set the maximum number of key value pairs that can be stored in the session via SessionClicks.