Look up a cell phone number by name

People share information on a call they receive. If other people have had a call from the number that is contacting you, they can report it on the website for you to view at your leisure.

Best Reverse Phone Lookup Free | ZLOOKUP

This method will only work if the number is calling other people and at least one other person has reported the number to you. Additionally, even if they report the number they might not have any more information than you already have on the number. When entering my cell phone number, I was given old information about myself including my maiden name, but not my married name an old landline number which was disconnected a few years back , a former address, and they had my age wrong by 16 years. Whitepages claims to be free, but after it compiled my report, the website asked me to pay for the information is found on the number I provided.

It did not offer me the name, or even address of the person who owned the number. I knew at that point that the number I searched was low risk, so that information was valuable. However, any other information that I wanted I had to pay for. This is the only entirely free service that will give you accurate information in regards to who keeps harassing you.

Stop Paying, Use Our FREE Reverse Lookup

Disclaimer: Reference to these organizations should not be construed to imply an endorsement or sponsorship of National Cellular Directory or its products. All rights reserved. Terms and Conditions Privacy Policy. In this article , I'll share with you eight possible ways to search who is calling your phone number. Here are a few reasons that you should never pick up the phone when you are not sure whose number is calling : It could be a scammer who has perfected the art of being a con artist.

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It may be a telemarketer, and if you pick up they know your number is an active one and they will put it on their list. It could be an ex or someone who is fixated on you and wants to hear your voice. It could be a predator seeking a victim to prey on. After finding the person, you can view the results of the free cell phone number lookup by name. For the phone number, the service will likely provide you with the first few digits for free.

This happens to everyone. Every so often, you may feel nostalgic and want to contact an old friend. By searching for their phone number and calling them!

Free Reverse Cell Phone Number Lookup

The nightmare of all phone owners, your contacts get deleted! Years worth of friends, coworkers, and family phone numbers gone in an instant. Hopefully, this article helped you learn how to run a free cell phone number lookup by name. PeekYou and Radaris People Search are two more free apps to consider as these also allow you to find phone numbers for individuals on your Android device.

You also may be able to locate a person's phone number by utilizing social media websites like Facebook.

  • Conclusion.
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You can find this information on Facebook by searching for the person by name. Click on the person's profile and then click the "About" link under the profile followed by "Contact and Basic Info. Note that if you are not friends with the person you will typically not see contact info such as a phone number, so make sure to send a friend request if a phone number is not visible to you.

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This article was written by the It Still Works team, copy edited and fact checked through a multi-point auditing system, in efforts to ensure our readers only receive the best information. To submit your questions or ideas, or to simply learn more about It Still Works, contact us.

Browse People by Name

Tip Since there is not a directory specifically for cell phone numbers, you may not find the number. Video of the Day. Brought to you by Techwalla.