Gaza father finds out child survived

Doctor Samy Owaida, a psychiatry consultant for children and adolescents, explains that symptoms of psychological trauma manifest themselves in children in a various number of ways. They can also cause feelings of insecurity, anxiety, fear and pessimism. Instead of thinking about things that are in line with their innocence and childhood, they start to fear the possibility of another trauma. On the cognitive level, they can start to perform really poorly in school and become distracted.

Since the tragedy, Muntaser has only been back at school once. He fought with one of his colleagues and hit him with a chair, causing his parents to take him out of school.

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Malak sits quietly drawing in the Future Home Association in the Khoza'a neighbourhood. She has drawn a variety of things in the past: a plane bombing, a child dying, a demolished house. This time she's drawing a house with an old man standing next to it, "This is my grandfather, Salman, and this is me," she says. These include: fighter planes, destroyed homes and mosques, Israeli rockets and missiles, dead Palestinians, various military vehicles, and fighters.

The drawings showed fear, terror, and sadness over the those killed and wounded. When the Israeli army entered the Khoza'a region - which lies to the east of the city of Khan Younis on the eastern border between the Gaza Strip and Israel - over land, they separated the men from the women and children, Malak's mother, Ahlam, recalls. Ahlam, 33, describes the scenes they witnessed: "We saw dead donkeys and sheep.

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  • Lost childhood: Gaza’s youngest generation copes with trauma 5 years after the last war;
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  • The child who died in Gaza, her family and the propaganda war;

We saw martyrs with their bodies thrown on the ground, we saw a girl in a wheelchair, her body was on the ground. Malak used to spend most of her time with her grandfather, Salman, who was killed in the war on Gaza. She remembers him as a kind man: "He was the one who gave me my allowance.

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  2. A long path to recovery for children in Gaza | At a glance: State of Palestine | UNICEF;
  4. IVF births boom in the Gaza Strip of Palestine;
  5. When will he come back? But the answer does not satisfy Malak, who then poses the same question to her father. He answers her indirectly: "Do people who have died returned? Ahlam says that Malak used to be a strong, confident little girl, but has since become introverted and reluctant to interact with others. She suffers from symptoms of PTSD such as headaches, incontinence, and nervous outbursts. She does unusual things that are hard to comprehend, her mother explains. So this question gets at the identity of the child," says Qarra.

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    Gaza: Children suffer from war trauma three years on Three years after the Israeli war on Gaza, children in the Strip continue to suffer psychologically. Have your say. Give us feedback. Sign up for our Newsletter. French president calls Bosnia a 'ticking time-bomb'.

    Muhammad al-Durrah incident

    US warns Iran is preparing a 'nuclear breakout'. Hong Kong student who fell during weekend protests dies. Interactive: How does your country vote at the UN? Interactive: Plundering Cambodia's forests Meet the man on a mission to take down Cambodia's timber tycoons and expose a rampant illegal cross-border trade. The physically affected can be operated on, sometimes cured.

    But these mental problems may lead to problems for the rest of their lives. Israel has consistently rejected international criticism that its forces used excessive and indiscriminate firepower. Asked about the criticisms, the prime minister, Ehud Olmert, said in an interview yesterday in the Israeli paper Ma'ariv that the mental health of the children of southern Israel had suffered in recent years.

    He added: "So now there is talk about Israel's cruelty.

    Support for the disabled people in the Gaza strip

    When you win, you automatically hurt more than you've been hurt. And we didn't want to lose this campaign. What did you want, for hundreds of our soldiers to die? That, after all, was the alternative. On the Israeli side 13 died in this conflict, three of them civilians.

    Muhammad al-Durrah incident - Wikipedia

    In total in the past eight years, 20 people in Israel have died from rocket and mortar attacks launched by militants in Gaza. Halting this rocket fire was Israel's primary goal and for the last few days, at least, it has achieved its aim. But Eyad al-Sarraj, a prominent psychiatrist who leads the Gaza community health programme, said that years of violence in Gaza had only fostered radicalism among its young people, who have seen their fathers humiliated and now left defenceless. Already there were reports, he said, of children bed-wetting, stuttering, falling mute, having trouble sleeping, becoming violent or restless and losing their appetites.

    The difference between this war and the uprisings, like the first intifada of the late s, was that whereas there was once a frontline, with tanks near the border, now the bombing and artillery reached deep inside Gaza's urban areas and into the homes of ordinary families. You need to give children a protective environment and give a chance to the fathers to regain their status as protectors and providers by giving them jobs and homes to live in … This is a massive, man-made disaster and we have to tackle the results.

    Topics Gaza.