Barack obama no birth certificate

He spent much of spring garnering media attention by constantly claiming without any evidence that Obama might have born overseas. The allegations that Obama, who was born in Honolulu on 4 August , was born in Kenya have long been considered a racist dogwhistle. Only then did Trump address the matter at hand.

I finished it. Now we all want to get back to making America strong and great again.

Thank you. Trump concluded his remarks as reporters, separated from the podium by six rows of Trump supporters attending as spectators, attempted to ask questions. Barack Obama was born in America, plain and simple, and Donald Trump owes him and the American people an apology. Pausing frequently for rounds of enthusiastic clapping, Clinton thanked the group for boosting her candidacy in the primary season and said a strong turnout by African American women could tip the election in her favor.

This year, once again, you have your hands on the wheel of history and you can write the next chapter of the American story. After five years of pushing a racist conspiracy theory into the mainstream, it was appalling to watch Trump appoint himself the judge of whether the President of the United States is American. The birth certificate issue was always rather silly, but that was the whole problem. The media couldn't tear down Trump's credibility as a politician because he doesn't have any.

It was a perfect set-up for a time, but it seems the Obama camp has wised up.

Donald Trump vs Barack Obama: From the 'birther' row to the wiretapping accusation

Now we can all concentrate on "more important things to do" and what a lousy job Obama's been doing on those things. Look at Operation Northwoods, thought up back in the '60s. It had the approval of the full Joint Chiefs of Staff and was a plan to murder American citizens and blame it on Cuban terrorists.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Obama's birth certificate is fra...

Hell it even mentioned the hijacking of aircraft. Man doesn't change; those things don't happen nowadays not because some in power wouldn't like to, but because it's harder to get away with now.

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To think that this type of thought process cannot happen in the halls of power is naieve. The neo-con ideology was going to change the entire world for the better; what of 3, lives to get there? It is only a fraction of how many die driving to work each year. Playing devil's advocate here, I am not a Truther. I say it's a brilliant move. I, for one, believe that M. Obama knows full well this won't make the "birhters" disappear, on the contrary.

But is it not better to have your political opponents consume themselves with silly issues while you appear concerned with actual problems? The way it goes, come , M. Obama will look like the only adult in the room. Or am I a mad conspiracy believer? Of course they won't shut up. For evidence, go look at the comments on the WSJ story about this.

They see each piece of new evidence as an exciting new challenge to perform mental gymnastics around.

Trump finally admits Obama was born in the US – campaign live

Obama made a mistake I think. Firstly, he released the legally valid copy back in - the same copy anyone asking for from Hawaii would be given. By releasing this unusual version, he's almost saying these nuts had a point. He should have just kept on pointing out that he'd alraedy released a legally valid copy and let the nuts continue to sound ludicrous.

University of Washington Information School

I still don't understand why Obama didn't simply provide this form to the public a long, long time ago. Now, because of this delay, conspiracy theorists are going to start claiming the certificate is forged or some other nonsense like that. I'm sorry, but Obama would not have been the first political candidate to fabricate his credentials, placing it well within the realm of possibility obviously such fabrication did not occur. Unless you tell me otherwise, I'm not aware of any case of a sitting president conspiring with Osama bin Laden or some other enemy of the state to murder thousands of Americans.

Now, you can continue insisting that the other side's crazies are crazier than your crazies I'm not a member of either party, so I get to dodge that particular argument , or we can both agree that the strong support for the conspiracy theories in the polls by each party is a rather troubling indicator of the state of American politics. Lexington wrote "I confidently predict that President Obama's decision to publish the long-form version of his birth certificate won't silence the conspiracy theorists.

By releasing the long-form birth certificate, President Obama cannot avoid the issues where are the jobs, Mr. Obama released birth certificate just in time for the next election cycle. Great timing! Might have waited a bit longer, though, but now, courtesy of Trump, in the minds of independents this idiocy is cast in stone. I suspect that the Birthers won't cease their ranting until his successor is elected.

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Odds are nobody will bet against that prediction, Lexington. Since when do facts silence conspiracy theorists?! However, it should at least make the matter a non-issue for all but the most crackpotty political loudmouths. I'm just trying to figure out the timing of this announcement. Why now? Only thing I'm coming up with is that the idea of Trump winning and then having to debate against this nonsense souded so wearisome to Obama that whatever the electoral benefits of being up against this kind of candidate was outweighed by the nuisance level of even the slimmest chance of Trump winning, or running as a third party candidate, requiring Obama to debate this rather than something else of at least some interest.

CNN — President Obama released his original birth certificate Wednesday, saying the controversy surrounding the issue had become a "sideshow.